I have a problem that i couldn't google out so i thought you guys might help.
I've built Prusa i2 and it was working fine. Few complete prints and lots of trashed ones like every begginer have.
Once it shut off (power supply switched off) middle print and i started searcching what might cause the problem.
Since it's custom made power supply on CODEGEN 300W ATX 2.03(P4) MODEL:250XA i thought it might be 5V load.
But before acctually setting anything on 5V i re-soldered few pins on it and it worked fine.
Except when it was reaching high temperatures on the bed (90 deg). Then it would shut down.
Right now it shuts down immediatly whenever i switch bed
OR nozzle heat, whenever i load 5V or not (it doesn't matter to him). Motors and fan are working compleatly fine.
My question is:
Since i know that i have to change power supply i want to ask if there is a way that there might be something wrong with arduino/ramps which is making those power off's
I don't want to break anything further more.