Sanguino/Pololu interface
April 28, 2010 02:23AM
Hello all,

I have spent the whole of yesterday connecting pololu stepper boards to my mendel. Unfortunately, there seems to be a problem, specifically with stepping the Y-axis. I did some troubleshooting, and found the following:
1. The X-axis steps, perfectly. As does the Z-axis.
2. When I move the Y-pololu board to my X-axis connector(from the m/board), i.e. disconnect Y-connector, and reconnect same Y-board to X-connector, then the Y-axis motor steps, when jogging the X-axis key on the host s/w. That proves that the Y-pololu board and motor combination is functional. It also seems to point to some configuration issue on the m/b, itself. Specifically, the Y-pinout on the ATMEGA.
3. I then re-checked the Y-pinouts on the sanguino motherboard, and as far as I can tell, this seems to be correct i.e. for the Y-axis, ATMEGA644P pin 25 = DIR, pin 26 = STEP, pin 30 = ENABLE
4. What I also noticed, is that the Y-motor seems to emit a high-pitched "noise" whenever connected to 12V.

I seem to recall from foggy memory, that there has been similar posts regarding this problem, and that the resolution relied on a complete firmware reload?
At any rate, I do not want to pre-empt anything, and if anyone knows whether the solution lies elsewhere, please be so kind as to point it out to me.

Thanking you in advance.
Marius Botha
Pretoria, South Africa
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