Request for G-Code
April 28, 2010 02:12PM
Can someone post up the G-Code for a simple object for the current (five-d?) firmware. I want to try sending a few other commands along with it, but I can't get the software to save to a file. Nevermind, I am just sending codes manually.

Or is there a way to manually send G-Codes?Nevermind, figured out how to do this. I'm using a program called GTKTerm.

Also, for the Extruder PWM (M113) What is the range for the S value? The example is 0.7 so is it 0-1 or is it the actual value that it would otherwise read from the pot 0-1023?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/28/2010 04:28PM by Azdle.

Build Progress Blog
Re: Request for G-Code
April 28, 2010 06:29PM
I have been hoping to build a little microcontroller circuit with a couple pots to control the speed and direction of a single axis stepper, and also the temperature of an extruder. That way I can test the hardware in isolation, before hooking everything together and loading all the software and hoping everything works right the first time. However, I have a few other projects on my place, so the etching mask, BOM, and source code for the stepper-extruder controller may have to wait a little while.

Re: Request for G-Code
April 29, 2010 02:56AM
[] - that explains the M113 command. 1 would correspond to a PWM value of 255, or about 12 volts output. I use 0.75 on my geared nema17 extruders.

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