Everything to know as a beginner ? January 06, 2015 01:44AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 1 |
Re: Everything to know as a beginner ? January 09, 2015 02:00PM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,797 |
Re: Everything to know as a beginner ? January 09, 2015 02:20PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 869 |
A1.1 Usually, 30A is more than enough, if the power supply actually can put that out. Beware they are often overstated.Quote
1. Power Supply ( [www.ebay.com] )
Q 1.1. Will 12V 30A be enough to power everything ( as in the whole 3D printer, including electronics and hotend, etc ) up ?
Q 1.2. The stepper motors I have are rated 5V 1.2A, will anything go wrong if I use a 12V 30A PSU ?
Q 1.3. Is it better to have a separate PSU to power up different things ?
Q 1.4. I have absolutely no idea how to wire anything, should I consult an electrician, or do I try to search for everything on the net ?
A2.1 That's not a Jhead first of all. That's an E3D hot end knockoff. Get a real JHead, E3D, or other proven design. You'll probably have more difficulties with the hot end than any other single component and it can make or break an entire printer design, so it's the one thing not to skimp on.Quote
2. Extruder/Hotend ( [www.ebay.com] )
Q 2.1. Should I get an extruder instead of hotend, considering I have near zero experience of hacking things ?
Q 2.2. How do I get a hotend up and running ?
Q 2.3. Precaution when handling hotend ?
Q 2.4. I plan to extrude with PLA filament, do I need heated bed and/or fan ?
Interesting instructable, but save yourself a lot of grief. Follow a real printer design. Seriously. That's more like a repstrap which you can do if you really want to, but that's just to get to the point to print out parts to build a proper one. You can buy the parts already printed.Quote
My references for building 3D Printer
1. [www.instructables.com]
# I may try to build a CNC Milling Machine first instead of directly to 3D Printer, for a better grasp on what to do.
A I. You aren't dealing with mains voltage past the power supply, so as long as you don't touch the screw terminals while it's plugged in you aren't likely to kill yourself. Everything past the power supply is low voltage so just don't lick the wires and you'll be fine. Any tools would have normal tool safety but nothing special really.Quote
Additional Questions
I. Precautions when handling with tools and electricity ? [ environment, fire extinguisher, etc ]
II. Wiring stepper motors, and precautions to prevent it from dying. [ voltage rating, etc ]
III. Must everything be precise ? [ probably not 100%, but 90% ? ]
IV. Determining the type of screw and material to use ? [ I plan to use pipes, wood or aluminium U-channels ]
V. What are the things to be noted when handling with electronics ?
VI. Ideas for Z-axis, if I plan to use Bowden principled extruder ?
Re: Everything to know as a beginner ? January 09, 2015 07:06PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 14,685 |