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buying another printer

Posted by nechaus 
buying another printer
January 09, 2015 12:44AM
Hey guys,

Thanks in advance for any responses.

I am looking to get another printer, Budget $800 or around that. That is 800aud about 650 USD give or take..

I was initially looking at the Printrbot simple metal..

Can anyone give me a good reason not to buy this model? or point me to another model?
I currently have an old 3dsm.. also have a home made prusai3...3dsm just needs another motherboard but I kinda have a bad taste in my mouth with that printer.
I really like the printr bot auto level because that was one of the most painful things on my current printers especially the 3dsm.

I don't have the time to build another one atm either.
Re: buying another printer
January 09, 2015 05:15AM
This is RepRap. RepRap is about making printers, not buying.

Generation 7 Electronics Teacup Firmware RepRap DIY
Re: buying another printer
January 09, 2015 10:50AM
Though this place is about making rather than buying, the people here tend to have very well-informed opinions on the 3D printing world in general, making it a pretty good place to ask this kind of question.

Back to the subject though, I've not heard a bad thing about Printrbot, and the Simple Metal is about as solid a printer as you will find in the price range.
Re: buying another printer
January 09, 2015 12:37PM
I always thought of the Printrbot Simple as more of a starter printer then a second printer, though that was back when you could get the 2013 model in wood for $350ish.

What about a delta printer to complement your current cartisian printers providing some variety. Plenty of mini Kossel kits around with FSR autoleveling kits. I assume most come with RAMPS, though you could upgrade to a 32-bit processor board and then use the RAMPS for your 3dsm.
Re: buying another printer
January 09, 2015 12:37PM
The high school I mentor at is buying 3 of the Printrbot simple metal machines based on my recommendation. I haven't used one myself, so I'm hoping they live up to their reputation...
Re: buying another printer
January 09, 2015 04:37PM
A Prusa i3 is better than anything you will buy ready made for $800. I would spend the money on upgrades for your i3.
Re: buying another printer
January 10, 2015 06:50PM
I would agree with Ralph. Spending $100-200 on upgrades for the i3 will make it much better than anything you can buy with a $650 budget.
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