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Cheap USB to TTL cable,

Posted by KeithSloan 
Cheap USB to TTL cable,
May 23, 2010 01:02PM
I was reading up about setting up the extruder and came across [reprap.org].

The creation of USB<->TTL cable seems a bit complicated to me. Whilst trying to restore a router I came across [www.neolics.com]
which would seem to me to be a much cheaper route.

I would give it a try but I don't have an extruder controller at present
Re: Cheap USB to TTL cable,
May 23, 2010 02:17PM
Actually is appears that Reprap uses 5v logig and not the 3.3v that the neolics works with. Oh Well it was worth a thought
Re: Cheap USB to TTL cable,
June 01, 2010 04:23PM
You're on the right track though, KeithSloan.

There are a number of cables similar to this, and there are bound to be a few that use 5v logic instead of 3.3v.

For instance, a few years back when the "Hacking Roomba" book and community were new, there was a rush on a Verizon cable that simply needed to be spliced with the right connector. The trouble these days is mostly finding a cable with an onboard USB serial controller. As so many phones are beginning to have USB on board (even if the connector isn't UScool smiley most cables are simply pipes.
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