Alibre import of AOI ( Art of Illusion ) Files,
May 24, 2010 05:35PM
I know some people into Repraps also have the CAD software Alibre. As the standard for documenting Reprap is aoi files ( Art of illusion ) I have made a suggestion in the Alibre forum to implement import of aoi files. If you feel you would like to support this idea please vote for it by visiting []. The more votes the more likely it is to be implemented.

I guess on reflection I should have asked for import and export - oh well perhaps somebody else could suggest export and I will give it my vote.
Re: Alibre import of AOI ( Art of Illusion ) Files,
May 26, 2010 04:10PM
i think the ability to import STL files would be of more benofit, as this is the format people are sharing with on thigyverse.. Aoi import would be usfull now and again, but i have alibre and would love the ability to import STL's! (without having to spend £90 on the plug in)

Have so say tho in general Alibre is great value for money!
Re: Alibre import of AOI ( Art of Illusion ) Files,
May 26, 2010 04:17PM
Not sure how editable the design would be with an STL import. Thought it would all end up as a load of triangles and such, which is not what I want or need.
My understanding is STL is really an output only format, bit like PDF. i.e. Good for output but not so easy to edit.

Not tried the plugin []
or a free STL to STEP tool see : []
Re: Alibre import of AOI ( Art of Illusion ) Files,
May 26, 2010 04:25PM
More useful would be to have AOI able to export some form of Step file - that preserves more of the design intent, and is editable in most CAD packages.

I heard some noise on the Alibre forums that they were trying to introduce an open, cross platform file format for CAD. It would be a great thing if it happens.

Re: Alibre import of AOI ( Art of Illusion ) Files,
May 26, 2010 05:23PM
But the hobby version of Alibre is now Personal Edition and it does not support STEP files either import or export.
Re: Alibre import of AOI ( Art of Illusion ) Files,
May 30, 2010 02:05PM
I have used the demo version of the STL import plug in for Alibre, and the models you get are perfectly ok, they are easily editable, can be saved in Alibre format, and then Re exported as an STL, i havnt bought it though as it costs around £90 so almost as much as the basic Alibre package!
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