PLA water bottle?
May 29, 2010 10:35PM
I spotted some water bottles (pictured). I live in the Houston, Texas, area, and found them in my local grocery store.

The website ( says that the bottles are made of 'ingeo' from Natureworks. Interestingly, I have been printing with PLA from Ultimachine, and they say that it is 'ingeo' from Natureworks.

I think that these bottles may be made from PLA!

Now I need to empty one and see if it reacts to heat like the PLA.

open | download - 0001.jpg (28.3 KB)
Re: PLA water bottle?
May 30, 2010 01:53AM
Here is an instructional video for the first step:
Re: PLA water bottle?
May 30, 2010 03:30AM
Or if you're in a hurry, there is the method which this young gentleman applies:

OT: fdavies: Sounds like a good idea. I believe recycling is one of the really strong points in favour of RepRap as a production method.
But even though something is made from PLA, how do we know if they mixed in something "nasty", as in something that makes it impossible to use in a RepRap?
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