NESRap : Nintendo controller for 3dPrinter
February 18, 2015 11:18PM
Using AutohotKey You can easily control your 3d printer whit interface and any joystick

(no fancy electronic needed)


Re: NESRap : Nintendo controller for 3dPrinter
February 19, 2015 08:01AM
You also have to include a laptop or computer in the top picture winking smiley

I run my machine standalone (with LCD), so sadly not anything I could use...
Re: NESRap : Nintendo controller for 3dPrinter
February 19, 2015 09:38AM
You are totaly right !

How to you manage to know remaning printing time ?
Re: NESRap : Nintendo controller for 3dPrinter
February 19, 2015 10:25AM
I see the printing time when generating the Gcode in Cura. Then I just remember the time it takes. Usually it takes shorter for real. When the print it finished it shows the time it took on the LCD panel.
Re: NESRap : Nintendo controller for 3dPrinter
November 24, 2016 10:38AM
New solution

no computer needed this time smiling smiley

Control printer with full feature keyboard

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