ok I ordered a megatronics board to do some testing..I am gonna be running marlin firmware.my questions are..first i see alto of them listed as being able to run 12 or 24 volts?I would like to be able to run it on 24 volts.is this a misprint or do they accept 24volts?next thing I am unsure of is the jumpers near the USB..I seen several posts talking about removing a jumper when powering it from the inboard power instead of the USB power?which one of the jumpers needs to be removed so it doesn't back feed the computer thrust the USB cable?.... I also have questions about the extra stepper driver and how it can be used with marlin ..my machines have two stepper motors for the x or y axis .. I would like to be able to use separate stepper drivers like I do with ramps 1.4 but would also like to be able to retain the dual extruders..can this be done with the megatronics board running marlin?..