Need tool for belt tensioner spring
May 05, 2015 01:00PM
I was wondering if anyone knew about a tool for removing and reapplying belt tensioner springs. Before anyone goes off with "why are you doing this often enough that you need a tool?" Yes it's true, I don't this regularly on any one single printer. I do freelance repair work. Some printers are repraps, some aren't. Whenever I need to replace a belt, stepper or other component that requires disassembly that includes the removal of a belt tensioner spring, my finger tips get stabbed pretty good. My apologies to any admins too if asking a question that may have applications to non-repraps is a breach of etiquette.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/05/2015 01:00PM by bpgoss1.
Re: Need tool for belt tensioner spring
May 05, 2015 01:27PM
I've never had to use one, but shouldn't pliers work fine? Just squeeze the ends together, insert/remove belt, then let go.

Re: Need tool for belt tensioner spring
May 06, 2015 12:50PM
Needle nose pliers.
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