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Thermistor problems with e3dv6

Posted by foul_owl 
Thermistor problems with e3dv6
May 12, 2015 04:06PM
Hi folks,

I recently bought an e3dv6. I have been getting delamination issues, even at "higher temps" (reading 280, 290, etc) so I finally decided to measure the temp of my heater block with an IR thermometer.

When my thermistor reads 290C, my IR thermometer reads 120C.

My IR thermometer shows the correct temp for the heated bed, so I'm 95% certain my IR thermometer is working well, unless it doesn't work on metal.

I have set the thermistor type to 5 as described in the e3dv6 manual.

I measured the thermistor resistance. At room temp it shows 100k, so I don't think there is a problem with the thermistor.

My thermistor tables look good, same as the Marlin version on github:

Firmware is Marlin.

e3dv6 support is unresponsive.

The only thing I can think of is maybe they sent me the wrong thermistor. Besides that I am at a loss.

Re: Thermistor problems with e3dv6
May 12, 2015 04:41PM
IR thermometers are usually inaccurate pointed at relatively shiny metal such as aluminum. Use a thermocoupler shoved down the hole if you want an accurate reading.
Re: Thermistor problems with e3dv6
May 12, 2015 06:27PM
As cdru said, IR is garbage for small metallic objects.

I'm sure the thermistor is fine. Your delam is likely due to something like under extrusion, or poor quality filament.

290C is insanity for ABS. You're probably starting to offgas small amounts of HCN at that temperature.

Where'd you buy the e3dv6 from? How long has it been since you emailed support? They have not been unresponsive in my experience.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2015 06:29PM by greenman100.
Re: Thermistor problems with e3dv6
May 12, 2015 06:28PM
What are your extrusion width / layer height settings compared to your nozzle diameter? Even at higher temperatures, you can get delamination if these aren't set correctly. Layer height should be less than 80% of nozzle diameter and extrusion width should be greater than nozzle diameter. A good rule of thumb is to start at 0.2mm layer height and 0.5mm extrusion width.

Edit: also check to make sure you're not under-extruding.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2015 06:29PM by 3dkarma.

[3DKarma.com] - suppliers of quality, affordable 3D printer kits and filament for the UK market.
Re: Thermistor problems with e3dv6
May 12, 2015 08:02PM
Wow. Definitely sounds like I was trying to fix the wrong problem.

I kept looking at the guide that said "if you are having delamination problems, try increasing your temp!"

Which seemed to help until I hit 290C and suddenly thought "Woah, something really screwy is going on here".

I thought I could trust my measurement tool (IR therm) but apparently not.

My nozzle diameter is apparently 0.4 mm, since that is listed as the default on the e3d website.

My layer height has generally been 0.3 mm, except the first layer which has been 0.4 mm, so sounds like that is correct.

My extrusion width settings in slic3r are all set to default, except for first layer percentage which I have set to 160%. (Which works great to get the first layer to stick) Unsure what these defaults are, and if I should try changing them.

My printer does not appear to be under extruding or over extruding. I tried marking on my filament and then extruding a certain amount, then measuring how far the filament has traveled, and it is correct.

I have also tried tweaking the extrusion multiplier. So far it doesn't seem to have had an effect on the delamination issue, but it might be worth trying to collect more data in that area.

In terms of support, I contacted e3d I believe last Tuesday, and they stated they would respond within 3 business days. (Wed, Thurs, Fri) and it has now been 5 business days (Monday and now Tuesday draws to a close) I bought my e3dv6 from e3d directly.

Suggestions? Thanks!!
Re: Thermistor problems with e3dv6
May 13, 2015 03:13AM
I have had problems with Slic3r's default extrusion width settings. I got the same delamination problem at the same layer height using Slic3r's default extrusion width. I would suggest changing all of the extrusion width settings to 0.5mm and trying a test print, just to see what you get.

[3DKarma.com] - suppliers of quality, affordable 3D printer kits and filament for the UK market.
Re: Thermistor problems with e3dv6
May 13, 2015 08:04AM
Are you printing ABS? Is your printer enclosed? ABS will delaminate once print height gets a few cm above the heated bed if the printer is not enclosed.
Re: Thermistor problems with e3dv6
May 13, 2015 08:42AM
ABS will can delaminate once print height gets a few cm above the heated bed if the printer is not enclosed.
FTFY. I've never printed in an enclosed printer and I've never have had an issue with delamination with ABS at any height.
Re: Thermistor problems with e3dv6
May 13, 2015 11:05AM
My nozzle diameter is apparently 0.4 mm, since that is listed as the default on the e3d website.

My layer height has generally been 0.3 mm, except the first layer which has been 0.4 mm, so sounds like that is correct.

There's your problem! Draw the 0.4mm circles and stack them. How much contact is there between the 0.4mm layers? I have a 0.4mm diameter nozzle, and run it at 0.2mm layer height (and occasionally 0.1mm layer height on important parts).....
Re: Thermistor problems with e3dv6
May 13, 2015 11:45AM
There's your problem! Draw the 0.4mm circles and stack them. How much contact is there between the 0.4mm layers? I have a 0.4mm diameter nozzle, and run it at 0.2mm layer height (and occasionally 0.1mm layer height on important parts).....
It's usually suggested to keep the maximum layer height to no more than 80% of the nozzle diameter to get sufficient squishing of the layer. So for a .4mm nozzle, no more than .32mm.
Re: Thermistor problems with e3dv6
May 13, 2015 04:30PM
The other thing to check is that the hot end fan is not blowing air down on to the print around the nozzle. I had big problems with ABS delamination until I taped over some gaps around the nozzle.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: Thermistor problems with e3dv6
May 14, 2015 08:30PM
I have had problems with Slic3r's default extrusion width settings. I got the same delamination problem at the same layer height using Slic3r's default extrusion width. I would suggest changing all of the extrusion width settings to 0.5mm and trying a test print, just to see what you get.

Thank you, let me try that. I have no idea what the defaults are, so I can't really try going in another direction from that, if that makes sense. (Defaults are all "0", which seems to be a bad practice, reserving 0 for default)

But I can try 0.5 mm for all!
Re: Thermistor problems with e3dv6
July 03, 2015 06:55PM
Setting my extrusion width to 0.5 mm seems to have done the trick. Thanks!
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