[Invert z axis?]
May 17, 2015 07:07PM
So I am working on putting an arduino/ramps setup on an UP! 3d printer.

Picture of printer: [www.resins-online.com]

I am currently running repetier .92. My problem is that the endstop for the z axis is at the bottom of the printer while the extruder is on a locked x axis at the top of the printer. Meaning that when I press home, the platform goes to the bottom of the printer. Then when I start a test gcode print, the z axis stays at the bottom of the printer. So I need to get the platform to home, and then proceed to move up to the extruder.

So, is this something I should just add to my starting gcode or is there a way to set this in my firmware? I looked around some in my config.h and played with inverting the axis and origin but haven't been able to figure it out yet. Any suggestions?
Re: [Invert z axis?]
May 17, 2015 07:10PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/17/2015 07:21PM by 3dmi.
Re: [Invert z axis?]
May 18, 2015 12:53AM
you need to set the z endstop as a z max endstop as its at your max end of movement. then the printer just knows it at max and when you start to print it will move it back to 0. Also means you have to have you Z distance acuratly put into your firmware..

you have to phiscaly move the Z endstop over one plug to use the max z endstop on a ramps
Re: [Invert z axis?]
May 18, 2015 01:10AM
So the Z endstop female plug would be in the last set of pins contrary to the 2nd to last set of pins?
Re: [Invert z axis?]
May 18, 2015 03:33AM
So the Z endstop female plug would be in the last set of pins contrary to the 2nd to last set of pins?

But you also have to set

#define INVERT_Z_DIR // [true or false] or turn around the plug of the stepper to change direction if needed.
#define Z_HOME_DIR = 1
set endstop as max. endstop


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/2015 03:34AM by o_lampe.
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