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is it a bad idea to use trimmer line as filament?

Posted by EndymionUSA 
is it a bad idea to use trimmer line as filament?
May 23, 2015 04:42PM
I brought one spool for my trimmer from amazon, but realized it maybe can also be used as filament for my reprap. [www.amazon.com]

The description says it's made from sturdy nylon. Do you think it will emit hazardous particles when being heated at 200C?
Re: is it a bad idea to use trimmer line as filament?
May 23, 2015 04:56PM
I found the idea on [reprap.org]
reprap ROCKS!
Re: is it a bad idea to use trimmer line as filament?
May 23, 2015 05:30PM
You can certainly try it. You might want to put it into a low temperature oven for a while to drive off moisture before you try to print with it- nylon absorbs a lot of water I wouldn't count on it having a consistent diameter- Be sure to measure it at multiple places along several meters of filament and calculate the average diameter and use that when slicing or when printing if you sliced for volumetric extrusion.
Re: is it a bad idea to use trimmer line as filament?
May 23, 2015 05:51PM

Read the reviews on Amazon for the size just below 1.75mm. I bet that quarter of them are from people using the thinner stuff as printer filament.....

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2015 06:03PM by vreihen.
Re: is it a bad idea to use trimmer line as filament?
May 26, 2015 12:52AM
I used 2.9mm trimmer line, and it worked ok-ish. I needed to dry it well in the oven prior to printing, if you don't get it completely dry it starts spitting steam and throwing nylon everywhere (I live in a very low humidity climate, so even more important if you don't). I was printing at 270C, you'll need an all-metal hot end (I've got an E3D V5) or you'll start melting things. Results were OK, but not great, it tended to warp/lift much more than either ABS or PLA, and getting good bed adhesion was tough (painters tape at 60C was the best I found). Worth a try though, I got 20m of nylon for a few dollars.
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