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A new "TinyRepRap"

Posted by cluso99 
A new "TinyRepRap"
July 12, 2010 02:03AM
Hi all,

After reading a lot I have decided to build a simple tiny reprap for starters. Where possible I will use the standard parts so I can move them to a larger machine later (8mm bar and rod & 608 bearings, T5 belts - I can get 10mmW ones here in Australia + aluminium cogs to suit. I will use one of the existing extruder designs and the Nema 17 motors, etc.

What I have in mind is this...

* cut 1 @ 1000x8mm bar into 4 @ 250mm for X & Y axis
* cut 1 @ 1000x8mm threaded rod into 4 @ 250mm for Z axis
* make an MDF cube 250x250x250mm where the top and bottom are recessed into the box to allow for the threaded rod to work like the MakerBot. I am going to epoxy the box to give it rigidity. Obviously the box will have cutouts to see what is happening.
* the X & Y axis will be on the base like the MakerBot
* hopefully I will get a work size close to 100x100x100mm but I am happy to get less
* Electronics will be housed seperately so that I can move it to a new design later. I want to design my own (there my skills). Maybe I can clamp them underneath the MDF box.

I do have a pair of old printer/scanners that I may see if I can canabilise which may save me initially on steppers and belts.

Any comments or advice??
Re: A new "TinyRepRap"
July 12, 2010 01:17PM
Try a single-axis table.

Also, have you looked at:

And, if you are interested and think it will help folk, do up the design in the wiki? smiling bouncing smiley

-Sebastien, RepRap.org library gnome.

Remember, you're all RepRap developers (once you've joined the super-secret developer mailing list), and the wiki, RepRap.org, [reprap.org] is for everyone and everything! grinning smiley
Re: A new "TinyRepRap"
July 13, 2010 12:06AM
Thanks Sebastien. Until I progress the project a little further I will post here to test my ideas, if that is OK.

BTW How do I create a new wiki page for this project?

I now think that I will make all 3 axis for the work platform. So the platform will start at the top and slowly lower as the layers are applied. The extruder seems to be a large source of problems and I think that if it were in a fixed position at the top then the leadin to the feeder could be aided in some form. By making the extruder just a boltin section at the top it would make changing extruders and experimaenting simpler.

Current size estimates are a cube 260x260x260mm and worksize close to 100x100x100mm.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/13/2010 12:07AM by cluso99.
Re: A new "TinyRepRap"
July 13, 2010 11:20AM
I would mine the Mini Mendel for ideas, it fits that perfectly

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