Software chain confusion
July 13, 2010 11:20AM

I am almost done building my Mini Mendel and just have to finish the extruder before I can do my first test print. I need to connect the extruder controller to the motherboard, connect the extruder heater and thermistor wires to the extruder controller, and attach the Bowden tube at both ends (still pondering that). I hope to finish that today. Everything else seems to be working quite well which brings me to my current point of confusion with the software options.

I am using the TechZoneRemix electronics. I recalled reading somewhere that they came loaded with firmware for using ReplicatorG, so I uploaded the official RepRap firmware into both the motherboard and the extruder controller. I installed the RepRap host software and Repsnapper to tinker with throughout the build. I became more comfortable with Repsnapper. So without the functioning extruder, last night, I sent a print job to the Mini and watched the 3 axes do their thing . . very exciting. At times, it would hang waiting for a temperature reading, but I could hit the "Kick" button and it would resume.

Having read about the additional features in Skeinforge, I decided to tinker with that as well. So I used it to create some G Code for an object but then used RepSnapper to control the printer. It did seem to work, but without an actual print, I don't know if it worked correctly. There were some errors that I think were about unrecognized commands (M103 I think was one). So I have the following questions:

1. Which host should I use with Skeinforge? RepRap, RepSnapper, ReplicatorG, something else I don't even know about?

2. If I use ReplicatorG, do I need to replace my firmware?

Ideally, I would like to stay in sync with the "official" RepRap development of the Mendel and that's where my confusion is probably coming from. It seems that many or most of the people that are producing the best results are also using Skeinforge. If I have to jump to different firmware, what future RepRap developments might I be missing out on? The whole RepRap concept is fascinating to me, but in practice development seems so fragmented. Especially given the learning curve and tweaking needed to produce good results, I don't want to jump on the "wrong" path and have to go through that process twice.

So any advice in this area of software choices would be appreciated. Oh . . and while I program on non-GUI Linux servers all day, for convenience I'd prefer to stick with Windows. My astronomy/astrophotography laptop will have to double as my RepRap computer.

Re: Software chain confusion
July 13, 2010 02:57PM
There are 3 different bits of software you need to worry about.
One is used to load (and sometimes display) the triangle files (STL) that describe an object, and you can download them from thingiverse. This software slices the object and produces a G-Code file. An example of this is Skeinforge.

The next layer of software is used to take the g-code file and feed it into the arduino/controller boards. This often has extra controls, such as moving the axes manually, and displaying temperature readings. The g-code file is read in and the commands are sent to the board. (e.g. repsanpper).

The final layer of software is on the arduino/controller boards - often called firmware. This takes the incoming commands and moves the axes, runs the heater, and controls the RepRap.

There are a number of software options for each of the layers, and some software that does more than one (for example the RepRap Host software can do both the PC layers).

In general, you can pretty much pick and choose to find the options that work best for you. Skeinforge is excellent, but very configurable - both good and bad, but harder to get to grips with. The RepRap host software is easier for newbies, and very graphical.

Don't be afraid of updating the firmware on the arduino/motherboard - there are two main flavours, the makerbot and the RepRap 5-d version - but tools like skeinforge are flexible enough to generate both.

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