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Printer Messed Up

Posted by fatesalign 
Printer Messed Up
May 30, 2015 09:55PM
Hello everyone. I'm really nearing a point of just selling this 3d printer. I am so frustrated. All my prints used to be fantastic until randomly one day, they just started turning out like this:

The worst part is that I've pretty much tried everything to fix it. I've purchased a new motor, extruder and I got an e3d hot end, but it's still doing it. I figured it was a setting in repetier host, but I can't figure that out either. I know it isn't clogged, I know it isn't the filament because I've changed it out and when I extrude manually, it seems to work just fine. If anyone's got any idea, I'm all ears.
Re: Printer Messed Up
May 30, 2015 11:03PM
looks like it's underextruding, which extruder are you using?

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Re: Printer Messed Up
May 30, 2015 11:57PM
Increase the tension on your extruder spring.
Re: Printer Messed Up
May 31, 2015 05:15AM
Made an similar mistake once. and in my case it took me a relly long time to find the error:

I had created a new filament in my slicer software, and unfortunately that one was set to 3 mm while I only use 1.75 mm Filament ....
Re: Printer Messed Up
May 31, 2015 11:28AM
Thanks for all the replies. The filament is still 1.75. I'm using the wade extruder. I've got it as close as it can.
Re: Printer Messed Up
May 31, 2015 02:35PM
Try increasing the temperature. I was having trouble extruding, the extruder kept slipping and grinding, resulting in prints like yours. The filament extruded fine on the j-head clone at 190c but has to be up into the 200s on the E3d hotends. Currently printing at 230c but I think I can probably lower it a bit.
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