E3d lite6 problem
June 11, 2015 04:34PM
My e3d lite6 has started to push its ptfe liner out then block up. I put a new liner in it yesterday and a new nozzle it was all put together correctly and was all nice and tight after warming it up to 245c I started a print kept I eye on it for 30 mins when I came back it had done the same thing. Am not sure what to try next

Thanks Nikki
Re: E3d lite6 problem
June 11, 2015 05:29PM
Hi Nikki,

Can you send some images of what is occurring?

I have a feeling that you need to insert the PTFE liner in in a certain way.

Re: E3d lite6 problem
June 12, 2015 02:50AM
Is the black clip thats supposed to hold the liner damaged?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2015 02:52AM by sungod3k.
Re: E3d lite6 problem
June 12, 2015 03:24AM
No I've tested it and it's holding tight. I just been thinking that the filament might be to blame but not sure how
Re: E3d lite6 problem
June 12, 2015 04:22AM
Ive just run the extruder stepper for a hour i think its over heating and missing steps would this make the problem ive got ?
Re: E3d lite6 problem
June 12, 2015 07:09AM
I have the same problem, the printer works pretty well, but it started clogging and I noticed the PTFE liner have creeped upwards (see picture).
The collet held the ptfe liner nicely, and I used a razor blade to cut it flush off. Any ideas for a fix?

Blog with RepRap Comic
Re: E3d lite6 problem
June 12, 2015 07:10AM
Try this:

Insert the PTFE tubing like so: [www.dropbox.com]

Now try and pull the black collar up, like in this picture: [www.dropbox.com]

I used some tweezers to do so.

Once you have done that the PTFE tubing shouldn't move in or out. See here: [www.dropbox.com]

The reason for doing this is that it prevents the PTFE tubing from creeping upwards.

Hope this helps!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2015 07:15AM by ayouden.
Re: E3d lite6 problem
June 12, 2015 08:22AM
I've fitted it right when I stripped it down it was still tight it seems that even that it's tight its slipping past I've ordered some dichloromethane to clean my nozzles am going to drop e3d a email and see what they say.

Thanks Nikki
Re: E3d lite6 problem
June 12, 2015 10:56AM
I had the same issue. I printed one of these little clips to stop the black fitting from moving down. Keeping it up locks the PTFE in place.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2015 10:58AM by hockey9999.
Re: E3d lite6 problem
June 12, 2015 11:12AM
Thanks I was just on my way to get my taps out to run a m5 tap down it but I'll try the clip first !
Re: E3d lite6 problem
June 12, 2015 12:12PM
It worked perfectly for me, and takes like 2 minutes to print. I'm sure it will work out well for you!
Re: E3d lite6 problem
September 20, 2015 02:35PM
Hi, is it a good hotend?
some experience or opinion?

Prusa i3 Rework - hotend IeC 0.4mm (bowden) - filamento 1.75mm - Repetier-Host - MarlinKimbra - RAMPS 1.4
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