Movement down from top to the bed slow
June 18, 2015 05:22PM
I am using Repetier Host & the Cura software, after slicing the print, my x carriage move to the Top of my printer and homes. Then it move down to the bed to print. The problem I am having and don't know what setting to change is that when the X carriage move down to the bed it moves very slowly. Printing and moving up are quick enough but the move down just before it starts pring takes forever.

Whick setting effects that moment down. I think its a setting in Cura as the Slic3r it moves fine.

Re: Movement down from top to the bed slow
June 18, 2015 05:31PM
In Slic3r, it's in the printer section where you can add gcode to run at the beginning, etc, etc. of a print, and, IIRC, the default is something like 'G1 Z5 F3000'

G1 means move
Z5 means to 5mm height
F3000 means at a speed of 3000mm/min

I suspect that Cura has a similar section that needs tweaking . . .

- Tim
Re: Movement down from top to the bed slow
June 19, 2015 03:35AM
Thanks Tim, I have a look under the Start G-code and see if I can add the speed.
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