Skirt not printing in Cura
June 20, 2015 09:09AM
I am using Repetier Host & Cura. I am trying to print a skirt at the begining of my print to prime my Hotend , however the Skirt will NOT print. I set the Skirt line count to 3 and the Minimum to 150mm.
Why will Cura not print the Skirt ?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/20/2015 09:27AM by scubi.
Re: Skirt not printing in Cura
June 20, 2015 09:20AM
Does it print the rest of the part?
Re: Skidt not printing in Cura
June 20, 2015 09:27AM

Thanks sorted it out, the problem was the distance from the part. I made the distance further, now I can see it is prining the skirt now.

Re: Skidt not printing in Cura
January 22, 2016 11:57PM

Thanks sorted it out, the problem was the distance from the part. I made the distance further, now I can see it is prining the skirt now.


Hi I know this is an old post but can tell me what was the old distance and what is the new distance you had for your skirt. Thanks.
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