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New Printer Setup (and new user)

Posted by Outie 
New Printer Setup (and new user)
September 28, 2015 08:30PM
I am super new to 3d printing. I bought a kit from china (delta 180 he3d, auto leveling, heated plate). I have the SD card with it that has 3 folders in it (arduino-1.0.2-windows, DLT-180 Delta 3d printer, firmware) I have done nothing with these files and downloaded the most up-to-date Repetier-host.

I installed Repetier-host and input my printer settings (image 1). It does "connect" and turn green to the printer.

I can run the extruder temp from the manual control tab and it works/responds correctly.
If I move XYZ, the motors make noise but just move back and fourth and not in a real XYZ.

What is my next step/what do I need to do?

I already verified correct placement of stepper chips & motor control wires.
open | download - image1.jpg (401.9 KB)
Re: New Printer Setup (and new user)
September 28, 2015 11:38PM
Do the axis home as they should when you click the house icon in repetier?

Prusa i3 Rework - Ramps 1.4 - E3d Lite6 - Full Graphic LCD Controller
Re: New Printer Setup (and new user)
September 28, 2015 11:50PM

I have been doing some reading and I don't have arduino installed yet. As I understand, this is the program that will "program" my control board and tell it what steps are?
Re: New Printer Setup (and new user)
September 29, 2015 05:16PM
I has similar problems with the motors on a He3d Prusa i3. The motors wiring did not work as shipped. I had to switch the inner two wires on all my motors. All stepper motors have pairs of wires. If you have the same motors as i do, then there should be four wires, in two pairs. for my drivers (probably the same as your drivers), the pairs need to be next to eachother in the connector to work.

If you havent configured your firmware, that will probably help too. your steps per mm or feed rate may be off.
Re: New Printer Setup (and new user)
September 30, 2015 02:17PM
I've had the same issues with the stepper not being correctly wired. (DLT-180, auto bed leveling, heated plate) I had to swap the middle two wires too, now they works fine.
however I have a problem with the auto-leveling feature, it seems like that after the points are sampled (I get the value in printrun) it then makes a strange move towards the bottom. I have to turn
the printer off or it would damage the plate. seems like this was a feature for retracting the z-probe ..? however the associated DEFINE is not define so it should no be called anyway
anyone else had this problem?
Re: New Printer Setup (and new user)
September 30, 2015 02:40PM
Ok maybe I sorted it out. seems like the retract_z_probe function gets called anyway even if you don't have a servo endstop so I just commented it out and now the auto bed works and just stops after it has done it smiling smiley no more trying to break the plate! winking smiley
Re: New Printer Setup (and new user)
October 01, 2015 01:07AM

I just figured out what my problem was. I didn't install the jumpers for the stepper drivers. Before i added them my printer was moving 16mm per mm it was instructed, and was makeing really loud buzzing noises. Adding the jumpers fixed my problem. The jumpers are used to tell the driver to "Microstep". Microstepping is a way that the drivers can cheat, tricking the motor into giving you more steps, in my case my drivers should have been on 1/16th steps (hints my scale issue). You might want to make sure that you have these jumpers on. In my kit from the same source i need all three jumpers on the three sets of two pins under the driver.
Re: New Printer Setup (and new user)
October 02, 2015 09:29PM
you can reverse the motor directions in the software..very easily, in marlin i think its set to true or faulse or some such. on the smoothie its add an exclantion mark '!' job dun.
Re: New Printer Setup (and new user)
December 18, 2015 02:30PM
I too am new to 3d printing, recently bought the same model (He3d Delta 180), and have been struggling with its assembly. Taking hint from images and other sources i have been able to set up the printer mostly. But one thing i havent been able to figure out is how to mount the limit switch onto the extruder. from what is visible in the pics in the manual, it seems as if the switch will never be triggered since the extruder nozzle would always touch the heat bed first. Can you please help me out regarding how i can mount this one last part keeping me from completing this assembly? Any image of assembly will be great.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 02:31PM by Broadsword.
Re: New Printer Setup (and new user)
June 20, 2016 04:48PM

I just figured out what my problem was. I didn't install the jumpers for the stepper drivers. Before i added them my printer was moving 16mm per mm it was instructed, and was makeing really loud buzzing noises. Adding the jumpers fixed my problem. The jumpers are used to tell the driver to "Microstep". Microstepping is a way that the drivers can cheat, tricking the motor into giving you more steps, in my case my drivers should have been on 1/16th steps (hints my scale issue). You might want to make sure that you have these jumpers on. In my kit from the same source i need all three jumpers on the three sets of two pins under the driver.

Can you please attach a photo of your wiring, thank you! I have the jumpers but there isn't any instructions as to where to put them.

Also, I am having a hell of a time getting my printer to run correctly. Pretty much anytime I try to do something all hell breaks loose and I end up having to reattach a couple belts.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/20/2016 05:37PM by pcshooter24.
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