BFB 3000 & New User & Help needed
September 18, 2010 08:18PM
Hi everyone. I recently purchased BFB (bites from bytes) 3000 3-d printer and just received it. I am young student and got this as a birthday and holiday present combined. I wanted to find out if anyone else in this forum also owns this 3-d printer since I have some very specific questions. I am very new to this, excited to use it but having some problems.

I was able to do the final assembly and understand somewhat how the software works with the sd card. However, I am having trouble making my first test product. It seems that the plastic bed always hits the two-heads. Is there any way to ensure that they do not crash into one another. I was able to make and save a file to the SD card but when I try to RUN the program, the bed "crashes" into the 2-heads and I am forced to turn it off since I do not want to damage it.

I read the manual that comes with it but am having trouble understanding it. It speaks of calibrating it and using the screw that is located towards the back end of the bed but I am still not successful.

Any insights would be appreciated. Also if its easier for me to call you, please let me know.

Re: BFB 3000 & New User & Help needed
September 19, 2010 01:07AM
I don't have that printer, but if the heads crash into the bed, I'd say the bed isn't completely flat. It has to be totally level to print correctly, because the heads are very close to it. Looking at the image on their site, there are some orange screws on each side of the bed. I think that by adjusting these you can make sure the bed is completely level.

my blog: []
Re: BFB 3000 & New User & Help needed
September 19, 2010 01:13AM
Thanks for the reply.

Yes there are many orange screws but is to keep the upper part of acrylic bed fastened. There is one orange screw that references the the z-height (located on the lower part of the bed), however i have not been able to adust it correct. I have tried to fully loosen it and fully tighten it and test both ways but still the same problem persists. The heads crash into the lower part of the bed. The upper bed is connect to the lower bed with these orange screws.
Re: BFB 3000 & New User & Help needed
February 27, 2011 12:11AM
hello make sure the big orange screw is screwed properly. Play with the heights.
Re: BFB 3000 & New User & Help needed
March 06, 2011 04:07PM
And put a magnet on top of that screw. It needs that so the sensor can detect where the bed is.
Re: BFB 3000 & New User & Help needed
March 07, 2011 09:27AM
Are the BFB 3000 printers any good?

I'm looking at buying a 3D printer for my company and it is definitely a contender if on nothing more than cost. The other options is one of the HP low end printers.

I've not managed to find much real world experience of the printers - most 'reviews' just cut & paste the text from BFB's brochure!

Re: BFB 3000 & New User & Help needed
March 07, 2011 10:46AM
I'm probably going to get murered for this, but check out the pp3dp up. It's a device that works out of the box and runs and runs and runs. Perhaps the best choice for companies if on a budget, at least compared to HP. But reprap based machines will give you more room for setting, tinkering and so on, as the pp3dp is closed source. I'm using it for about 2 months now, and I did not regret it. Plus it will produce nice parts for my reprap one day :-)
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