Ramps 1.4 with
RepRapDiscount full graphic controller. When I don't use the prineter I turn off the power supply but the display remains on because the ramps/arduino is connected via usb to a always-on pc.
Is there a way to make the display turn itself off when idle? I don't want to ruin the backlight or some pixels over time...
Self-sourced Mendelmax 2.0-based Reprap Machine -- Ramps 1.4 & Mega 2560 -- DRV8825 (Z@1A,
[email protected],
[email protected], E@1A) -- genuine E3D v6 direct setup -- 350W custom silicone heated bed -- ABS 1,75mm -- Marlin 1.1.0-RC7 -- Cura 15.04.6