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PEI Bed Review

Posted by fatesalign 
PEI Bed Review
March 26, 2016 11:10AM
Whatsup everyone. Wanted to show all of you the review of the PEI Build plate: [youtu.be]
Re: PEI Bed Review
March 26, 2016 11:32AM
I have been very impressed with PEI too. For anyone using my IR sensor, paint the reverse side of the PEI matt black before you stick it down. I have updated the sensor fitting instructions at [miscsolutions.wordpress.com] with more detail on this.

The one time I accidentally tried printing PLA on cold PEI, the print detached from the bed during printing. So I don't recommend PEI without a heated bed.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: PEI Bed Review
March 26, 2016 01:49PM
Yeah, it really is great, and I completely agree on non heated beds not being worth it.
Re: PEI Bed Review
March 26, 2016 02:10PM
fwiw Nylons dont stick to PEI very well if at all, same goes for Polycarbonate - this is just the general consensus around various forums and post boards, but of course mileage may vary form user to user.
Re: PEI Bed Review
March 26, 2016 03:06PM
I use PEI beds on all my printers and I really couldn't go back to using anything else. I never print with Nylon, but PC does stick to PEI. I don't have a heated chamber, though, so printing with Nylon or PC is kind of futile except for small easy parts.
Re: PEI Bed Review
March 27, 2016 05:34PM
I use PEI as well and I love it. When my PEI was due to be changed (because I gouged it up accidentally) I decided to try BuildTak and while it works I damaged it really quickly and went through 5 of the 6 sheets I bought in a month, I print with ABS mostly and was happy with the results other than it was way to easy to tear and rip.

P.S. Do not print flexible materials like Ninja-Flex (TPI ??) to PEI, apparently it bonds permanently to it and will ruin your bed.

P.P.S. I have gone back to PEI now and while I may try something new if it comes out I am content with using PEI.
Re: PEI Bed Review
March 28, 2016 12:31PM
I use PEI as well and I love it. When my PEI was due to be changed (because I gouged it up accidentally) I decided to try BuildTak and while it works I damaged it really quickly and went through 5 of the 6 sheets I bought in a month, I print with ABS mostly and was happy with the results other than it was way to easy to tear and rip.

P.S. Do not print flexible materials like Ninja-Flex (TPI ??) to PEI, apparently it bonds permanently to it and will ruin your bed.

P.P.S. I have gone back to PEI now and while I may try something new if it comes out I am content with using PEI.

Thanks for the warning!

Printers: Heavily redesigned TwoUp with E3D V6 and Robo3D R1+ with Chimera/Cyclops
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