reversing stepper motor (Oozebane)
November 01, 2010 11:57AM
Is there any settings in skeinforge in order to prevent Oozebane with reversing the motor.
I have a stepper motor driven extruder. I know nophead did this before. I also want to try it for my printer.
can any body help?

Nuri Erginer
Re: reversing stepper motor (Oozebane)
November 01, 2010 02:14PM
Hi Nuri

The Skeingorge setting for reversing the extruder motor is in dimension. There is a brief description here. Skeinforge Dimension
Re: reversing stepper motor (Oozebane)
November 02, 2010 04:30AM
Thanks for the reply. I test it but the motor turns very slowly in reverse direction. Is it possible to speed it up
Re: reversing stepper motor (Oozebane)
November 02, 2010 07:34AM
Skeinforge Dimension
Extruder Retraction Speed

If Retraction distance and restart are not zero this is the speed that retraction and restart occur.

A high value will allow the retraction operation to complete before much material oozes out. If your extruder can handle it, this value should be much larger than your Feed Rate.

As an example, I have a Feed Rate of 48 mm/s and a Extruder Retraction Speed of 150 mm/s.

Bob Morrison
Wörth am Rhein, Germany
"Luke, use the source!"
BLOG - PHOTOS - Thingiverse
Re: reversing stepper motor (Oozebane)
November 02, 2010 12:13PM
This is the setting that we use

The video shows how it works,64933

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/2011 09:33PM by Bruce.
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