octoprint and relay question
May 10, 2016 03:28PM
so this is sort of 2 questions that are the same but different at the same time. Let me explain
I have octoprint, works great its awesome. I have it on version 1 of the raspberry pi, runs great. I saw in octoprint it has an option to turn on and off the printer. This is great however I am guessing this would involve a relay somehow? because there is no switch on it?
From what I found is this
Is this fairly reliable has anyone implemented it here?

Also one other question mainly for the relay. This is for a separate project. I need EXTREMELY small parts, as small as possible to fit into as small as possible into a space. Currently have a Pi zero, big easy driver, 7.4 to 5v stepdown circuit, 7.4 v battery gauge circuit, and solid state relay Do ANYBODY know of any "micro" relays the 5 volt standard ones that you find everywhere that are blue are not small enough. I use a solid state one which is about half that size but again I would like smaller is possible. Any ideas?
What I need this to do is open the gate to open the circuit to make it "high" so that my camera takes a picture. Any suggestions?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/10/2016 03:29PM by bizit524.
Re: octoprint and relay question
May 10, 2016 04:01PM
This 5V one is only about 9mm by 4,5mm by 3,5mm [www.farnell.com]
There used to be smaller ones in metal cans about 5mm dia by 4mm high but I haven't seen them around for many years.

Re: octoprint and relay question
May 11, 2016 07:44AM
For your camera:- What voltage and current will it switch?
The smallest would be a transistor.
Re: octoprint and relay question
May 11, 2016 11:11PM
A mosfet similar to the one used to control the heated bed/hot end would work.
It needs a small RMS value on the gate pin to be switched by 5v and will be able to handle a large load.

An 2N7000 is a nice one (Not an actual hot end/heat bed one but has reasonable current loading handing requirements)
I used one in a "soft power" switch for main power from battery on a RC Car project

The 2N7000 was used to switch on a FQP27P06 which then took the main current from the batteries to the project's circuit

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2016 11:15PM by orictosh.

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Re: octoprint and relay question
May 13, 2016 01:06PM
I used a 5v arduino relay, it has the coupling etc needed to protect your pi and run just about any load, as long as you dont want fast switching. I use it to control my printer. I am giving away a fully built octopi-zero server soon on my channel. [www.youtube.com]

FYI. you do need wiringpi installed on your pi as well as make the appropriate config changes in config.yaml

Here is the official guide, a bit cumbersome though.


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