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Printer with Small footprint

Posted by Kafledelius 
Printer with Small footprint
May 18, 2016 01:12PM
Hello Reprap!

I'm in a troublesome situation.

I just moved into a new house with my girlfriend - and now my printer is too big (she thinks) sad smiley
I currently have a SmartrapCore with a build area of 300x300x300mm. This has a footprint of 43x40x47cm.

Does anyone have a good suggestion in which type of printer i could rebuild it into ? With the smallest possible footprint, and a print area of atleast 200x200x200mm?

I'd prefer not building a Delta - I'm kind of fond about the CoreXY movement - or the movement of a Ultimaker.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/2016 01:13PM by Kafledelius.
Re: Printer with Small footprint
May 18, 2016 01:52PM
I believe the delta is going to have the smallest foot print/build ratio of all the printers. If you limit it to 200mm in X or Y, the build size on that axis is going to be limited to about half that size.

Sure it wouldn't be easier to get a new girlfriend? One that enjoys a bigger size? grinning smiley

EDIT: Let me qualify the axis size. I was thinking along the type of footprint the Printrbot Simple Metal has. The base is narrow and the bed has to extend out on each side. Looking at pictures of a SmartrapCore, you could probably rebuild it smaller. A 150x150 build area should be possible.
Re: Printer with Small footprint
May 23, 2016 06:20PM
Which axis can you get away with a bigger dimension, without her noticing? Eg, delta in Z axis, Prusa in Y axis. Looks smaller than it actually is tongue sticking out smiley

Or, make a frame with extrusion that is only 10cm every dimension, and every now and then slowly upgrade it so she doesn't notice, till you have a machine with a 20cm build area

Or get a new girlfriend, definately something to think about smileys with beer
Re: Printer with Small footprint
May 23, 2016 07:38PM
I'll just leave this...

Ultra MegaMax Dominator 3D printer: [drmrehorst.blogspot.com]
open | download - The sound of a 3D printer going away.mp3 (14.2 KB)
Re: Printer with Small footprint
May 23, 2016 11:41PM
Hey if you don't mind been the first one to test it and to do a modification on the X carriage for a different hotend, I can post all the files for this little printer, I finished few days ago and it's for my kids..... If your girlfriend let you print it????
open | download - mini printer2.38.jpg (360 KB)
Re: Printer with Small footprint
May 24, 2016 09:08AM
Nice little printer design! Similar to this is the Indie I2, a really nice little v-slot printer that can pack away. Buy yourself some small lengths of v-slot and then salvage motors and parts from the other printer. Could probably make it really cheaply in this manner.
Re: Printer with Small footprint
May 24, 2016 09:26AM
Hey if you don't mind been the first one to test it and to do a modification on the X carriage for a different hotend, I can post all the files for this little printer, I finished few days ago and it's for my kids..... If your girlfriend let you print it????

Really nice looking printer. It looks like that is a rendering of it. You have any pictures of the one you finished? One concern I have based on the image is how exposed the line voltage connectors are on the power supply. Especially if it is for kids.
Re: Printer with Small footprint
May 24, 2016 03:20PM

Still is a work in progress, the cover for the power supply isn't finished yet (need some measurements). Yes it is a rendering and no I haven't printed the parts yet, I'm getting all the hardware and electronics from china and waiting for parts from shapeways for the hotend (quite expensive). Will put it all together mid June so if anyone wants to see it in action will have to wait a little more winking smiley
Re: Printer with Small footprint
May 24, 2016 04:39PM
2 dvd drives [youtu.be] that be small

Check my rubbish blog for my prusa i3

up and running
Re: Printer with Small footprint
May 24, 2016 05:36PM
... one of my smaller XYZ-stages had a 'footprint' of 50x50mm and working areas of 23x23x23mm with 150 nanometers resolution when driven in "step-mode" and 2 nanometers with analogue driving ... but all the cameras, lighting and driver housings needs some place too ...

Here an older image of the setup:

... and here the 'axes' with one of the piezo-leg motors in detail - so could be even built smaller winking smiley

... here's a video of one of the stages in action - [vimeo.com]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/24/2016 05:39PM by VDX.

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