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Pancake stepper extruder

Posted by Origamib 
November 19, 2017 11:19PM
Food for thought NSTT, Assembly, Assembly (old?), Time to order some pancakes and start CAD'ing

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/19/2017 11:37PM by to-the-nth.
Re: Pancake stepper extruder
November 20, 2017 03:04AM
The Bowden extruder I'm using is a printed extruder and it works OK. The weakest link in my case is the mount for the E3D /volcano hotend. I'm currently building a CNC-mill because of this. Printing precise PETG parts is difficult, because retraction causes blobs, so I'll give the Titan a try. PETG prints are slow anyway, so a little extra weight doesn't matter.
My D-bot isn't standard as well. I have plenty of spare room to direct mount the Titan without loosing workspace.
I also have an idea for an automated belt_tension_equalizer. It allows to control both belts tension with one screw. Maybe a complete reconstruction will come soon.
Re: Pancake stepper extruder
November 20, 2017 08:29AM
Cant wait to see the Sanyo Pancake all mounted up, I wanted to try one but not at the price they where when I last looked.
Re: Pancake stepper extruder
November 21, 2017 12:41AM
Ditto on the Sanyo price, but interesting.

The Bowden extruder I'm using is a printed extruder and it works OK. The weakest link in my case is the mount for the E3D /volcano hotend. I'm currently building a CNC-mill because of this. Printing precise PETG parts is difficult, because retraction causes blobs, so I'll give the Titan a try. PETG prints are slow anyway, so a little extra weight doesn't matter.
My D-bot isn't standard as well. I have plenty of spare room to direct mount the Titan without loosing workspace.
I also have an idea for an automated belt_tension_equalizer. It allows to control both belts tension with one screw. Maybe a complete reconstruction will come soon.

I've got rolls of PETG sitting in closet because of blobs. If you figure out how to disappear the blobs and strings, let me know. Everyone should have a CNC-mill in their workshop, but it might be easier to add a chamber to your D-bot and print ABS. I had plenty of spare room on my "D-bot" but I just made the bed larger. I found individual tensioning adjustment screws on each XY stepper work really well.

It's probably too off topic to talk about Titan alternatives like NSTT here, so I'll start a new thread when I get something running. Pancakes are on order. Printed the NSTT gears for reference. The gears are 1.0-mod but the pressure angle is steeper than what I have been using. Overall looks credible, but I'll be designing something that is more vertical and sits above the X carriage plate. Using the lighter 17HS08-1004S stepper, so might increase the gear ratio. Small compact doesn't matter, just the weight and cost.
Re: Pancake stepper extruder
November 21, 2017 01:55AM

Re: Pancake stepper extruder
September 22, 2022 06:35AM
yes, ... the size depends on possible speed and gearbox-ratio, best would be a small DC-motor with encoder.
i just got several pancake stepper motor from here:
Re: Pancake stepper extruder
September 22, 2022 10:28AM
yes, ... the size depends on possible speed and gearbox-ratio, best would be a small DC-motor with encoder.
i just got several pancake stepper motor from here:


With the mounting ears cut off, and the case lightened. I don't suggest this, as the case is almost foil thin in that area, the weight savings is negligable, it allows contaminants into the motor, and dis-assembly and re-assembly is critical.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/22/2022 12:31PM by rq3.
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