Skeinforge Raftless Issue - Resolved
November 30, 2010 07:36AM
Hopefully this is a quick question for someone to answer but I haven't been able to track one down. I'm new to this and may just be missing something that is obvious to someone else.

I recently generated the Frame Vertex file in Skeinforge 31. I turned off the raft and the Z height started at 131.xx. Somehow I don't think it's going to stick to the build platform at that altitude. When I turned off the raft on the Lego piece, things rendered fine. I think I need to turn cool on for that one thought because the piece ended up skewed a bit when it prints fine on a raft but that would be a different topic.

Did I miss something somewhere?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/01/2010 12:16PM by bbriggstkd.
Re: Skeinforge Raftless Issue
November 30, 2010 08:19AM
It will come out where the model is located in the STL file. An easy way to force it to ignore the STL coordinates is to enable the multiply module and select one row and one column.

Re: Skeinforge Raftless Issue
November 30, 2010 01:55PM
Also, leave the raft module on. It sets temperature among other things. Just set the number of raft layers and interface layers to 0.

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Re: Skeinforge Raftless Issue
November 30, 2010 04:54PM
I tried the multiply trick that nophead mentioned but it didn't work. I'll give the suggestion from NewPerfection a try.
Re: Skeinforge Raftless Issue
December 01, 2010 12:16PM
Looks like the suggestion from NewPerfection worked. Thank you very much for the help.
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