I'm so frustrated. i bought this 3d printer and i upgraded it but i forgot to save the original firmware in case i messed up and i royally screwed it up. now i cannot even upload firmware to my printer. arduino says its uploading but it doesn't. does anyone have the marlin files for kuqu acryllic prusa i3 or can you tell me what i need to do to get my firmware to flash again. i ve been uploading trial configurations to no avail and i just wish i knew what im doing. here is my config file im currently using. it doesn't stop at the endstops which are on the left back and bottom for respective x,y,z axis. but i can't even figure that out till i can flash the firmware again. im on the right com port . i woke up this morning and couldn't get anything to flash even though i could last night and lal i did in the meantime was to connect to repetier host to make sure axis where moving correctly which works fine. i have the right motherboard hooked up.