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Extruder Cable

Extruder Cable
September 14, 2016 03:51PM
In my experience, wiring the extruder carriage is one of the biggest PITAs in 3D printer design/construction. There are a lot of wires carrying different signals/voltages/currents, the cable has to be very flexible and able to withstand a lot of flexing over the life of the printer, and should be easy to connect/disconnect for service, at least at the extruder end. In my own printer I went through multiple connectors and cables and found that even using a multipin connector wasn't ideal because of the bulk and the fact the wires had to be soldered to it making some extruder maintenance inconvenient. I had one cable fail after using a cable chain with too small a bending radius.

I eventually settled on a cable I found in a junk pile at the makerspace. It is a flat flex cable from a tape library robot. The original cable had two ribbons with 17 conductors and 34 pin double row header sockets on each end. I didn't need so many conductors, so I carefully split both the cables and connectors length-wise and ended up with two 16 conductor cables. I have been using one on my printer for 2+ years and it has performed perfectly. I added small, hand wired circuit boards at each end to terminate the ribbon. The board at the extruder has mostly header pins for the motor, thermistor, hot-end fan, etc., and one screw terminal block for the hot-end heater. The other end has a double row header for the ribbon to plug in and screw terminals for all the wires that connect to it.

Since I used an existing cable and did not have the necessary tools to terminate the ribbon any other way, I left the cable in its original length which is a little too long, but hasn't caused any operational problems.

I'm designing a new printer and plan to use the other half of the flat flex cable for its extruder connections, but it got me thinking that maybe others would find such cables useful.

For a single extruder you need 4 wires for the motor, 2 for the thermistor, at least two for the hot-end heater, 2 for a hot-end fan/always on +V and ground, and maybe a few more wires for a print cooling fan, autoleveling probe, limit switches, etc. The cables I've been looking at are spec'd for 3A on each conductor, but header pins are typically rated for 2A, so for a 12V 40W hot-end heater you would need to double up the conductors in the ribbons and the header. For 24V 40W heaters a single pair of conductors should be OK. So we need a minimum of 8 conductors in a 24V system and 10 in a 12V system, without any extras. 16 conductors would allow a lot of options without increasing mass or bulk too much.

I did some digging and found a few different manufacturers who sell FFC in bulk, on 50 m spools. I am looking into the necessary tooling to attach connectors and thinking of offering a made to length, 16 conductor cable consisting of two 8 conductor ribbons with dual row header sockets at each end, along with a set of matching termination boards, one for the extruder carriage and one for the printer's frame. The boards would have header pins for the FFC and quick connect terminals similar to these:

or screw terminal blocks and/or header pins and/or solder pads/holes for wire leads, as well as screw holes for mounting.

Here's a couple pictures of the ribbon and termination boards in my printer. Of course what I would offer would look a little better because it would be properly designed and fabricated at a PCB shop.

Is there any interest in this sort of thing?

Ultra MegaMax Dominator 3D printer: [drmrehorst.blogspot.com]
Re: Extruder Cable
September 14, 2016 04:45PM
This is really nice. I would definitely be interested.

See my blog at [moosteria.blogspot.com].
Re: Extruder Cable
September 14, 2016 04:49PM
Yes I'd be interested. As you say, all those wires that have to move are a complete PITA. Many of them have to have plugs and sockets just so you could replace (say) a fan without stripping out all the wiring back to the controller. Or you might want to be able to quickly swap hot ends. So however you do it, it never looks tidy. I've done all mine with nylon braiding but that's also a pain, having to put heat shrink on all the ends to stop it all from fraying. Then with so many cables, one has to label them (or at least it's a good idea to label them) so that's printing sticky labels and covering them with heat clear heat shrink. All in all a complete PITA.

I'd need a lot more wires though, as I have 3 extruders. But at the moment, they are suspended above the centre of the carriage, a bit like a Delta flying arrangement so I could do it with 2 sets of ribbon cable - one for the motors and one for all the other stuff that's on the x carriage. I still have a lot of wires on the x carriage though. 2 for the heater (24v), 3 for the Z probe, 4 for the PT100, 2 for the x min stop, 2 for the x max stop, 2 for the hot end cooling fan and 2 for the print cooling fan. I make that 17 but it might be an idea to double up on the heater making it 19 plus the 12 I need for the 3 extruder motors. I guess a few spare for future expansion would also be a good idea.

Some people might need more. I'm thinking of those that have 3 hot ends, each with their own heaters. I'm thinking that 24way might be a better option than 16 way but then that would be overkill for anyone with a single extruder and not much else.

Just my twopence worth but I'd certainly be interested in anything that can tidy up that aspect of the wiring.
Re: Extruder Cable
September 15, 2016 01:39AM
I'd take a couple.

Simon Khoury

Co-founder of [www.precisionpiezo.co.uk] Accurate, repeatable, versatile Z-Probes
Re: Extruder Cable
September 15, 2016 06:26AM
I've been looking for a solution like this, if you got these out for sale I'd be interested in a few.
Re: Extruder Cable
September 16, 2016 07:15AM
Glad to see i'm not the only one that would like a tidier solution, though I've already wired up 3 & not sure it would fit those machines, maybe it will be ideal for the borg cube. I trust your judgement on the wires more than my own so will be looking forward to seeing what final config will be.
Re: Extruder Cable
September 16, 2016 09:11AM
Can't get over how much this reminds me of a 2D printer head when you put a ribbon cable on it like that. Looks tidy, concerned about amp-age through them, but if you say it works i believe it. Nice work as always DD

If you need some help, or don't understand what I just said, feel free to send me a PM anytime

Printer: Prusa i3, 2 E3D v6 Hotends, Arduino + RAMPS 1.4 with a Bypassed 5V Regulator, 400w Insignia ATX PSU, Custom Designed Bowden Extruders
Re: Extruder Cable
September 17, 2016 01:47PM
I will contact some suppliers and see what I can come up with.

Ultra MegaMax Dominator 3D printer: [drmrehorst.blogspot.com]
Re: Extruder Cable
September 19, 2016 11:25AM
Next question- what if the cable were a fixed length instead of customized? Say 1 m long. That would be long enough for most printers, and maybe even a little too long for most, depending on where you put the termination board. Fortunately, extra length can just be folded over and kept out of the way...

Ultra MegaMax Dominator 3D printer: [drmrehorst.blogspot.com]
Re: Extruder Cable
September 19, 2016 01:54PM
1m is probably a pretty good length for my printer, although 1m is probably a bit much for others, especially with the majority of printers only having a 20-30cm travel distance. How hard is it to chop and shorten these cables?
Folding them does not seem like a great option to me, and would probably put me off as I'd buy it to neaten up my printer, not add an extra bundle of wires

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/2016 01:55PM by Origamib.
Re: Extruder Cable
September 19, 2016 02:03PM
I agree on 1m being rather long, though if the cable folds over neatly, it should be sufficient. I'd also like to see a way of joining two cables at right angles. I am imagining it in a CoreXY design, where you would have one cable like this running along the Y axis from the controller to where the X axis is attached, and another along the X axis to the print head.

See my blog at [moosteria.blogspot.com].
Re: Extruder Cable
September 19, 2016 02:26PM
I would also be interested in this, so that the cable can be bent to 90 degrees where it meets the Z axis on a standard cartesian machine. I would also be happy to settle for 2x cables though for this solution.
Re: Extruder Cable
September 19, 2016 02:46PM
These cables can be folded any way you want, but once folded you can't really unfold them without the crease remaining. Cutting to length may be an issue because you have to terminate with a connector or at least be able to strip the plastic off one side so the cable can go into a connector. If you're going to strip off the plastic you want the conductors tinned or gold plated.

Ultra MegaMax Dominator 3D printer: [drmrehorst.blogspot.com]
Re: Extruder Cable
September 19, 2016 03:17PM
I agree on 1m being rather long, though if the cable folds over neatly, it should be sufficient. I'd also like to see a way of joining two cables at right angles. I am imagining it in a CoreXY design, where you would have one cable like this running along the Y axis from the controller to where the X axis is attached, and another along the X axis to the print head.

No, that is way over complicated, In a corexy, you would lay the cable on its edge, vertically and run it above all the rails to a corner. If it were me, it would be X+Y+ corner. The cable would be plenty long to reach across the printer and would act similarly to a cable chain, but on its side.
Re: Extruder Cable
September 19, 2016 03:22PM
That's a good idea, I imagined two runs of cable X and y. Good lateral thinking.

Simon Khoury

Co-founder of [www.precisionpiezo.co.uk] Accurate, repeatable, versatile Z-Probes
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