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An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500

Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
November 07, 2019 03:20AM
You could try heating up a large lump of metal up to red-hot and just touching it to the head of the screw for a few seconds - sometimes the sudden expansion and subsequent contraction can free off a screw. Maybe.
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
November 09, 2019 06:19PM
I've got one here you can have, if you still need it.

(sorry, this is in reply to an old old post by user Rlewisrlou666).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/09/2019 06:23PM by wallaceowen.
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
November 10, 2019 02:46AM
I've got one here you can have, if you still need it.

(sorry, this is in reply to an old old post by user Rlewisrlou666).

If you press 'quote' under the post you're replying to, you can get the original post linked in your reply just like this one. Makes it easier for everyone to understand what you're talking about smiling smiley

Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
January 21, 2020 01:46PM
Used my Cubex RepRap Tango to make a Mostly Printed CNC, Turned out great.
My new project is my second Cubex duo conversion (I bought two originally for $220 IIRC for the pair).
This one is based on a BIQU SKR Pro v1.1 with TMC2209 stepper drivers and a diamond triple extrusion single nozzle head.
I stripped the carriage down completely and removed the sliders/bearings. I got myself a little hobby mill and removed a ton of aluminum off each slider and removed the extruder/fans and SS plates resulting in around 3lb reduction in the carriage weight.
I also replace the Z axis plastic back bar with 1/4 Aluminum plate.
Refitted with smaller lighter fans and the diamond head (Bowden) in a pla housing and placed 3 BMG style Bowdon extriders and the stepper motors on the RHS of the cabinet.
Added a Antclabs BLTouch for levelling and removed all endstops and use the stallguard function of the TMC2209.
Everything is 24v (600W Power supply).
I am awaiting delivery of a 310x310 heated 24v Bed (they sent a 12v by mistake) Oh and I replaced the sprung bed plate with a roughly 400x400x3.5mm Aluminum plate.
Also awaiting 3 filament runout sensors.
Btw on my previous duo rebuild I reused the cubex extruder with a e3d head and managed to utilise the cubex duo standard filament run sensor.
Marlin 2 is working well to date, homing working, double z of SKR Pro switched to double Y, BLTouch working .
3.5 TFT is nice.
Still to do: Heated bed fitting, inner base cover and cooling for controller, triple extruder testing and runout sensors to be fitted and set up. Oh and a triple spool holder to bolt to lower LHS of cube. Interior light.
And I still have to work out how to fit/support the bowden tubes and wires to the carriage. Any ideas?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/2020 01:46PM by jimboh3.
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
January 21, 2020 01:55PM
Nice work !
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
January 22, 2020 02:03PM
That's a great price! Here in the Netherlands some really dumb people are still selling their machines for over €1200/piece. Very unrealistic.

Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
January 25, 2020 06:34AM
Hi, has anyone converted a cubepro duo? what motherbor and driver did you convert with? Does anyone have the marlin config for the cubepro duo? thank you very much
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
October 04, 2020 07:12AM
Greetings Gentlemens,

yesterday i read the whole topic. There is a lot of useful information. Because i'm not an expert i not totally convinced about my knowledge. I want to ask some suggestion. According to the datashet of the stepper motors can i use A4988 or better to choose other which can handle higher current like TMC5160 61 for the Z axis stepper? Thanks in advance.
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
August 08, 2021 09:48PM
Don't know if anyone is still tracking this thread, but working on a CoreXY conversion based on the open source Rat Rig printer

Will post pics and files when I have it working
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
August 09, 2021 07:56AM
Stil here and following.
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
August 09, 2021 11:43AM
Still here as well... drinking smiley

Has anyone found a controller board that will work with 3 extruders like the cubeX Trio has?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2021 11:45AM by gt500.
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
August 09, 2021 11:57AM
... I have a RADDS board (standard 6 sockets) with two different expansion modules, adding 2 or 3 more sockets - so with 3 more sockets it will support 3 axes and 6 extruders motors ...

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Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
August 09, 2021 11:59AM
Me Too.
@GT500 I use the 32bit BIQU SKR Pro v1.1 with TMC2209 stepper drivers and a diamond triple extrusion single nozzle head (see my post a few up). Its all built and running well now, only thing not fully up is the 3 filament runout sensors because Marlin wasn't fully supporting when I was finishing this. Should try again but I tend to do most of my 3d printer stuff in the winter. See last pic. I have the wifi board and ic2 daughter boards on (Ic2 for config storage).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2021 12:00PM by jimboh3.
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
August 09, 2021 12:13PM
Nice set up!
Maybe sometime you can post the firmware for the board? I have limited luck with marlin compiles at times depending on the board. I currently have mine with 2 extruders as the controller board for the display never updated that board to allow 3 extruders... What is your display you are using? I'll look into the board you have, good to know it's do-able. I had almost given up hope...
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
August 09, 2021 12:24PM
BIQU (Bigtreetech) have newer boards now with even more functionality. I bough all my stuff on Aliexpress. Bit of a wait but cheap.
Sure I can let you have my marlin config. As a starting point maybe. Its not much use unless you have the same board with the same steppers and number of extruders etc.
Marlin configs are very specific to a build I find. Display is a BIQU TFT3.5. They also have a 5" and a 7". They are touch screen as well which is really useful. The latest versions include the rotary encoder and you can boot them up to either run in standard Marlin mode (without touch but with encoder) or in Touch mode. I use Touch and am more than happy with it.

The wifi daughter board is an ESP device and the software will interface with your pc (using wifi) and you won't need Octoprint. Its called ESP3D.
The IC2 card gets round problems with marlin and the Pro 1.1 not being able to save config to the SD cards.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2021 12:38PM by jimboh3.
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
August 09, 2021 12:27PM
I'm off to Vegas today, but when I get home, I'm going to open my machine up and look, I might have bought that same board from AliExpress myself. It's been over a year since I thought about it...
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
August 09, 2021 12:52PM
The BIQU Pro 1.1 has 6 stepper drivers but has pin outs for dual Z's. I just changed the pins settings in marlin so that the 2 Y steppers of the cube are connected to the Z outs and the Z to the Y out. Then E0, E1 and E2 are available for the 3 extruders.
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
August 09, 2021 01:15PM
I use a BTT Pro 1.1 (w/Klipper) with my Delta... I love it. This CoreXY version makes me want to pull my old Cubex out of the closet.
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
August 09, 2021 01:38PM
I know my board has six steppers as well. I'm driving the Y's off one stepper, that left the other three available for the extruders. But I've yet to find a display module that works with it. That's why I'm only using two. I'll have to look at it tonight when I get home.

PS sorry for the delays oh, I'm only answering when I stop, as I said I'm driving.
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
August 10, 2021 12:22AM
Sorry, I've forgotten how much I needed to take apart to get to the motherboard. I still have the white tray cover re-installed in my unit (I think because I thought it would help with cooling.) The board I'm using is a Makerbase MKS Rumba v1.0 with 8825 drivers. I'm open to changing the board to the one you are using and use the same drivers if that gets me a third extruter. I'll use this one in one of my Ender3's to drive a duel extruder. Can you control the extruters from your display? What display are you using, I couldn't find one that allowed 3 extruters? Sorry for so many questions but I've had the unit over a year and would love to have 3 working extruters. Thanks for all the help,
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
August 10, 2021 11:39AM
I am a little confused as to why you are concerned with what display to use. Assuming you are using Marlin the control of extruders will be software and configuration controlled.
The rumba board if I recall has 6 stepper controllers so with the cube that could be X, 2xY, Z, E0, E1 and E2 (using the Y output to drive both cube Y steppers).
Marlin 2.0 is capable of then driving 3 extruders and you would be able to select the third extruder the same way as you would currently do with the first and second.
My setup has 3 extruders but only one printer nozzle so the set up/configuration is very different for three extruders with 3 heads. I assume you are still using the original extruders and nozzles from the Cube. I didn't want to go that way because of all the weight on the carriage and also would think Z alignment to be a real headache with that set up.
Re: An alternative to buying a bad kit for $300-500
August 11, 2021 03:15PM
Sorry I didn't answer yesterday, Just back online, limited internet here.
I use the control panel to preheat the nozzles so I can load and unload filaments.
Also I monitor the temps as I have one filament that if it gets too hot, will always jam! (cheap but bonds well)...
Yes, I'm using the original head/nozzles but open to replacing them as well...
All in all, I'm happy with my set up with 2 extruders, I like the thing you did with swapping the Z and Y axes if the set up allows for two motors without the use of an external board.
It's been a true learning curve for me as I didn't really have much in the way of 3d printing experience before, now I have many Ender 3's and one Monoprice Mini and love to make stuff.
The CubeX was my first try at converting to standard filaments, got it working for the most part.
You are correct about the head alignment, PITA, even with just 2 working...
Thanks again for the help,
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