Grub/set screw in drive gear keeps getting loose.
November 12, 2016 10:47AM
Hi guys,

The grub/set screw of my drive gear in the extruder keeps comming loose.

I tried nail polish ( dried for 2 days ), came loose.
I tried glue , came loose but had to boil out the glue to get the grubscrew fully out of drive gear.

I don't know what to do, The problem got worse since i put a larger nema 17 on my bulldog extruder.
Re: Grub/set screw in drive gear keeps getting loose.
November 12, 2016 11:46AM
Use an actual thread locker if its that much of a problem.
Personally I havent touched my Wades extruder in a few years and its still tight without locker on the threads
Re: Grub/set screw in drive gear keeps getting loose.
November 12, 2016 11:47AM
I never had issue either with my Wades before, the issue here is because it is a direct drive extruder.

I didn't even know that existed, i will look out for it, thanks
Re: Grub/set screw in drive gear keeps getting loose.
November 12, 2016 12:17PM

Ultra MegaMax Dominator 3D printer: []
Re: Grub/set screw in drive gear keeps getting loose.
November 12, 2016 01:02PM
File a flat on the stepper shaft. Then, if it fits, use a full-size M3 instead of the grub screw. It'll let you get more torque.
Re: Grub/set screw in drive gear keeps getting loose.
November 12, 2016 01:49PM
The stepper shaft has a flat side, it's a large geared stepper, i switched the grub screw to one with a round tip instead of flat, wich seems better but not good enouph.

I will try threadlocker like suggest above

File a flat on the stepper shaft. Then, if it fits, use a full-size M3 instead of the grub screw. It'll let you get more torque.
Re: Grub/set screw in drive gear keeps getting loose.
November 12, 2016 04:34PM
Loctite red
Re: Grub/set screw in drive gear keeps getting loose.
November 18, 2016 12:45PM
Loctite blue is made for threads that may have to eventually be disassembled. I used it on my extruder gear when I recently assembled my printer because the gear seemed a little loose on the shaft and the grub screw was dinky at best. Working great.

Loctite red is made for things like gears on shafts and threads that are not intended to come apart. It probably is the best choice here. Just make sure you have the gear positioned at the right height on the shaft before it cures. The heat required to break the bond of red Loctite is likely more than enough to cook the motor.
Re: Grub/set screw in drive gear keeps getting loose.
November 19, 2016 12:55AM
Perhaps the thread of your drive gear is buggered after everything you've tried to fix it? Might be an idea to fix this rather than permanently glue everything
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