Is it the controller or the software?
November 30, 2016 09:42PM
Hello guys, recently I got a MKS SBASE 1.3 board because of its power. The board works as far as I know but I am facing a strange behavior that left me confused. I am running a Delta setup (Micromake D1) with SBASE controller. If I try to print with Repetier Host or Ponterface or Matterslice, the printer attempts to print but freezes on touching the bed to print, however, printing with Simplify3D works. Simplify3D prints but it feels like it is not giving the proper amount of plastic needed on the object. The final print looks very week with missing layers and what not.

Three questions, how can I print with all of the slicers mentioned above? Why is only Simplify3d succeeding to do something but not giving a proper result. Does all of these issues have anything to do with microsteps? Thanks.
Re: Is it the controller or the software?
December 02, 2016 09:47AM
1. I know that slicers can be set to generate different types of gcode sometimes. I have always defaulted to marlin/repetier, even for RepRapFirmware. Perhaps S3D is set correctly for your firmware or is at least correctly detecting it, but the other slicers are assuming a different gcode / communication reference. Now that I type that, it is more likely an incompatible baud speed between your firmware and the software.

2. As for the lack of extruded plastic, have you calibrated your extruder steps per mm yet? That is where you mark off 120mm of filament before the extruder, extrude 100mm of filament, remeasure the filament left, and then do some math to adjust your E steps. You will also need to test / tweak each new spool of filament for the average diameter of the filament and optimal temperatures for the speeds you intend to print at.
Re: Is it the controller or the software?
December 02, 2016 03:43PM
The MKS SBASE is a parasite. It is clearly a derivative of Smoothieboard, but is in violation of the Smoothieboard open source licence because MKS publishes neither the PCB design files nor even the schematic. Until MKS remedy this, I urge you all not to use it. Continued innovation and development of open 3D printer depends on being able to recompense the developers at least in part for their work or at least complying with the licence agreement. If you want to use Smoothieware, then buy a genuine Smoothieboard or else an open source derivative such as the Azteeg X5.

[Of course, I'd rather you purchased a Duet or Duet WiFi instead, but it's your choice.]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2016 03:44PM by dc42.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: Is it the controller or the software?
December 15, 2016 02:11AM
Hello guys, recently I got a MKS SBASE 1.3 board because of its power. The board works as far as I know but I am facing a strange behavior that left me confused. I am running a Delta setup (Micromake D1) with SBASE controller. If I try to print with Repetier Host or Ponterface or Matterslice, the printer attempts to print but freezes on touching the bed to print, however, printing with Simplify3D works. Simplify3D prints but it feels like it is not giving the proper amount of plastic needed on the object. The final print looks very week with missing layers and what not.

Three questions, how can I print with all of the slicers mentioned above? Why is only Simplify3d succeeding to do something but not giving a proper result. Does all of these issues have anything to do with microsteps? Thanks.
Dear sir, If the print effect is weak or the filament is not proper, you should check whether the pulse is right.
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