Help a noob replace a motherboard
June 29, 2017 04:04AM
I by chance was given an old 3d printer to play with. Problem is the hardware on the printer doesn't allow me to flash any usable firmware on it. Thus I've decided to try my hand at replacing the motherboard and installing a modern firmware (was thinking repitier since it'e more familiar to me). As someone who knows jack about building 3d printers what are some resources I could read up or guides?
The printer in question seems to be a knock off version of the old makerbots that runs on replicatorg firmware. The offending board in question is an Ardinuio Uno.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2017 04:19AM by theblindsaint.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
June 29, 2017 04:53AM
step 1: (which you seem to be desperately trying to avoid)

Open up the machine, take a good look around inside it (make sure its unplugged first)

Take lots of clear photos of everything!

especially any plugs and wiring, any pcbs etc...
take note of the location of any endstops, will be useful for configuring it later.

NB your going to have issues with the thermistors... you basically have to know what it is.. if your lucky is so old its a type 1 thermistor.

Publish these photos some where we can see them so we can assist you.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2017 05:00AM by Dust.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
June 29, 2017 09:25PM
Thanks, I'll get to opening up the machine asap
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
June 30, 2017 11:11AM
I havent heard that an uno can run a printer. but for convenience I would just try my luck with a mega+ramps 1.4. youll find the combo everywhere. with a bit of luck the plug already fit.

and yes identifying all the parts beforehand is a good idea
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
June 30, 2017 10:57PM
I've taken pictures of all the parts that seemed relevant. How do I proceed now?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/30/2017 10:59PM by theblindsaint.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 01, 2017 01:23AM
Ok thats quite interesting

the power supply is 24v 15amp which is good.

The controller I suspect is a mega2560 but cant read it, in the middle of the blue main controller is a largish black chip, under the cables
And chance you can read the marking on the top of it?

Just about every connector is non reprap standard (most are better, but this will make life more difficult)
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 01, 2017 02:12AM
I currently don't have access to the printer, will get new pictures in about 2 days time. You mentioned that the parts aren't reprap standard, what complications will that involve?
Also, do you mean this black chip? []

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/01/2017 02:16AM by theblindsaint.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 01, 2017 02:53AM
The board identifies itself as UNO, but that might be just the USB-controller. An Arduino Mega uses an 16U2 chip as USB controller and the big chip seems to be a Mega (2560 or 1280?)
So maybe there is hope to flash new firmware.
Can you connect the controller to a Terminal ( pronterface, repetier host, etc.... ) and read out the Eeprom by sending M503 The answer is worth to be copied in a txt file for later reference.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/01/2017 02:54AM by o_lampe.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 01, 2017 03:07AM
I can connect to Repetier host, but aside from showing being connected, no commands I do in repetier go through tothe printer. How do I access Eeprom and how do I send a M503 command?
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 01, 2017 11:10AM

The board seems to look mighty similar to this?
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 01, 2017 12:52PM
That's a mightyboard which fits with it being a Replicator clone. I bet it's a CTC. EDIT: it's not a CTC but a skytech.

You could put sailfish on it, or scrap the mightyboard and change electronics.

In my one I changed to an MKS GEN 1.4 which is a RAMPS compatible all in one which is well supported in marlin. It's not very hard to swap although you will need to crimp quite a few JST-XH connectors.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/01/2017 12:57PM by slippyr4.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 01, 2017 05:22PM
Will it be an issue if I can only buy MKS GEN 1.3's at my location?
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 02, 2017 02:27AM
No there's not much difference.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 02:10AM
Can I just pull off the motor drivers from the mightyboard and then attach them to the MKS then?
Also the MKS board only take thermistors whereas my printer is using thermocouples, how do go around this?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2017 02:16AM by theblindsaint.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 02:45AM

Can I just pull off the motor drivers from the mightyboard and then attach them to the MKS then?
NO appears from your pic those drivers overhang the headers, on the mks gen you just want have room " short answer before coffee!".
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 02:46AM
No, the pinout is a mirror image of the polulu standard and they use digipots for current control, which the new board doesn't. Get yourself a set of A4988 drivers, you need to set the Vref manually but that's easy enough. They cost about $10/£8 for a set from china.

With my CTC I couldn't find any useful information about the steppers and the current they need. In the end I assumed they are 0.85A steppers and set the current accordingly. They've performed well, without missed steps and without getting too hot.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 02:50AM
Thanks for the answer.

Something else I noticed while looking up the MKS board. On my machine the endstops have 4 wires yet the mks board only has 3 connectors for the endstops?

MKS diagram I'm using []

Mightyboard diagram []

There still is the question of the thermocouples though. On ramps someone mentioned they were able to use [] this to work with but how will they work with MKS?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2017 02:59AM by theblindsaint.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 03:16AM
Have a look at the attached. Only three wires are needed for the endstops.

You will need to change the thermocouple in the hotend to a thermistor, i'd forgotten about that, sorry! I don't think it's worth bothering with the external thermocouple boards. New thermistors pre-wired are $2/£2 each from the likes of ebay.

While you've got the spiral wrap off the loom to the hot-end assembly, add two new wires for a part cooling fan.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2017 03:22AM by slippyr4.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 03:20AM

There still is the question of the thermocouples though. On ramps someone mentioned they were able to use [] this to work with but how will they work with MKS?
am no expert on the mks gen series but you can consider the mks board a single board RAMPS with access to the same pins on the aux ports so what ever works on the RAMPS should work for the MKS.

seem you gonna have to solder new headers on the endstops you got those red breakout boards type

if so, easy enough to add a new header just be careful around pin polarity

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2017 03:21AM by jinx.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 04:03AM
[] The endstops I have have 4 wires though, do I need to replace them as well then?
Also by part cooling fan are you referring to the fan that is attached to the extruder? I already have one on my machine or are you saying I'd need a new one/replace as well?
Finally, what specs do I look for when searching for thermistors?

What do you mean by header? Cant seem to google it. Also red breakout board?

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2017 04:52AM by theblindsaint.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 05:10AM

What do you mean by header? Cant seem to google it. Also red breakout board?

was thinking of these Endstops see the black end of the leads "those are female headers" i just swap over to those though not sure how you mount them on the current brackets!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2017 05:12AM by jinx.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 05:14AM
A small conclusion for now this is my shopping list correct?
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 05:33AM
Headers are the connector bodies. Your printer uses 4 pin ones (of type JST-XH) and the new board needs 3 pin ones. You can leave the green wire disconnected and you will be able to remove the pins from the existing header and pop them into a new one. You can see what I did on the photo I posted earlier (which is of my mks gen board installed in my replicator clone printer)

One of the many generic 100k thermistors (beta 3950) that are all over eBay will be fine.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 05:33AM
So I'm also replacing the endstops then. It's probably a good idea to stick with mechanical stops and not optical right? ADo these look right?
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 05:36AM
Well bugger me all my wires are black for my endstops...
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 05:37AM
A small conclusion for now this is my shopping list correct?

The thermistor and stepper drivers aren’t right.

Why not get this board: [] which comes with the drivers you need

And the thermistors from eBay as above, or, []
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 05:40AM
Re: fan, the extruder fan you will connect to the supply so it runs all the time. Without it you will get blocked extruder sand your prints will fail.

What I am talking about is a part cooling fan which you would typically use for PLA and PETG and really should have been on your printer in the first place. You’ll need to print a duct or mount for it (many designs on thingiverse) but this really is something you should see as essential for successful printing.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 05:42AM
So I'm also replacing the endstops then. It's probably a good idea to stick with mechanical stops and not optical right? ADo these look right?

You could do but you don’t need to. I’ll figure out later which wire is the one you don’t need, and you can keep the current ones.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 05:52AM
4 wire endstops is normally two gnd pins in the middle... they used to be like that quite often.
Re: Help a noob replace a motherboard
July 03, 2017 06:01AM
@slippyr4: thanks. so the part fan is a cooling fan for the plastic does it matter that i'm using ABS then?
(gonna have to step out for now today but thank you two SO MUCH for your help)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2017 06:02AM by theblindsaint.
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