Hi everyone,
I urgently need help (payed) with building the electronics using the makerbot readymade parts (like the motherboard, stepper drivers and endstops, based on the arduino mega 2560). I have one week left to do it and have never done any electronics before (except building a touch switch, which is of no help here). I am not using the extruder instead i'm using a similar system like the CandyFab but the xyz should move instead of the cutting, burning, skirting head. I think i have all the electronic parts and the machine is constructed which will use the makerbot electronics as a way to drive it although there will need to be some alteration or adjustments to the code as it is quite large. I would like to tinker with it until it works myself but am under quite a bit of time pressure and so will have to postpone getting into the nitty-gritty of it all.
Please if anyone could help to make this work in a weeks time i would be very grateful. Thanks to any responses or directions on where i could find someone with this knowledge and experience.