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TMC 2208 got louder and I dont know why.

Posted by Sero1376 
TMC 2208 got louder and I dont know why.
June 03, 2018 09:20AM
Hey there I bought two 2208 and both of them got louder for some reason. I dont know why sad smiley

I've been using then in ny Ramps 1.4 MKS Gen board.
Re: TMC 2208 got louder and I dont know why.
June 03, 2018 05:50PM
Which mode are you running the TMC2208 drivers in? They are generally quieter in Stealthchop 2 mode than in spread cycle mode. If you are using spread cycle mode and they are noisy at standstill, reducing the TOFF parameter in the chopper configuration register may help.

Changes in supply voltage, configured motor current and motor inductance all affect the amount of noise produced.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: TMC 2208 got louder and I dont know why.
June 03, 2018 06:23PM
I'm running them with MS1 and MS2 on VIO (256 Interpolation + 1/16 steps) and in legacy mode. I didn't reprogramm them or anything like that smiling smiley

They were really silent but now they do make a lot of noise.
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