Attaching Wade Extruder to Xaxis assembly
May 01, 2011 12:55PM
Anyone have diagrams or ideas how to attach the wade extruder to the xaxis carriage (mendel). It doesn't look straightforward unless I build a platform or something to attach the unit to.

Re: Attaching Wade Extruder to Xaxis assembly
May 01, 2011 01:37PM
I thought that the holes in the base of the extruder mates with the mounting holes in the x-carriage. You need a trapped 4mm nut under the carriage.
Re: Attaching Wade Extruder to Xaxis assembly
May 02, 2011 07:02AM
you need to specify mendel design, link to where you are getting your info.
Re: Attaching Wade Extruder to Xaxis assembly
May 02, 2011 01:52PM
Well I can tell you how mine is done.

In the top part of the carriage which is the one without the sticking out bit for clamping the belt, there is two hexagons that you can fit two 4mm knuts in too. I had to warm my knuts up with a lighter and pull them in, as the hexagons were too small. It also stuck them nice so they didn't slip. You can do this with some of the knuts and the hexagons that were printed vertically on my parts were ok.

The bed of the extruder should then fit on top one way round and have two holes that line up with the knuts. You can simply put two bolts in there. But not too long or they will collide with the X axis bars that it runs on.

Hope that helps.

Here's me sticking my knuts in.

Don't really know if its a good way to do it or not but it worked ok for me. I couldn't really think how else to make them go in when the hex was too small as its incredibly hard to enlarge a hexagon like that.
Re: Attaching Wade Extruder to Xaxis assembly
May 02, 2011 05:03PM
I think that's almost the canonical way to embed hex nuts. Certainly I've seen Adrian endorse it, though I can't remember where. In the instructions to something, I'm sure. Works in ABS too, but it's easier with PLA b/c of the lower temp.

I'm building it with Baling Wire
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