firmware update error
October 15, 2018 02:22AM

I am trying to upload firmware in Olivetti S2 3d printer through Arduino version 1.0.6 , but getting the attached error.

I am not able connect the printer through Repetier Host too..

Please suggest to fix the bug.

Thanks & Best Regards,
open | download - error 1.png (108.4 KB)
Re: firmware update error
October 15, 2018 12:06PM
If uploading the firmware fails you can't connect with repetier. So first fix the uploading of firmware first. Is there any error code, try googling it.

Kind regards

NFAN CoreXY printer:
Re: firmware update error
April 02, 2019 10:20AM
Hi rammohan, did you succeed? Id like to change the firmware due to problems. It would be nice to exchange experiences.
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