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tmc2208 and .9 e3d compact but powerful problem

Posted by [email protected] 
tmc2208 and .9 e3d compact but powerful problem
January 06, 2019 01:01AM
So i am new. well new to building and the real technical aspect of printing and the software along with hardware. Im currently trying to get a mega/ramps 1.6 and x3-tmc2208's(x,y,e0) all configured through the tx and rx pins(uart) and x1 tmc2208 in standalone mode(eventually will be uart also) or possibly a drv for the z to all play nice. My x is currently a e3d compact but powerful stepper .9 degree. i have 3 of them i would eventually like to use on x, y, and e0. problem is they seem to not like to work correctly with either my current settings or maybe 12v and i should possibly try 24v. im just nervous about switching to 24v. i have extra steppers and when i throw a regular 1.8 degree it works flawlessly. the .9 degree stepper also works just fine if i throw an a4988 or drv in provided i change firmware, jumpers, and solder slp and rst together. here's my m122
X Y E0
Enabled true true true
Set current 800 800 800
RMS current 795 795 795
MAX current 1121 1121 1121
Run current 25/31 25/31 25/31
Hold current 17/31 17/31 17/31
CS actual 17/31 17/31 17/31
PWM scale 182 0 20
vsense 1=.18 1=.18 1=.18
stealthChop true true true
msteps 16 16 16
tstep 1048575 1048575 1048575
threshold 0 0 0
[mm/s] - - -
OT prewarn false false false
OT prewarn has
been triggered false false false
off time 5 5 5
blank time 24 24 24
-end 2 2 2
-start 3 3 3
Stallguard thrs
stst X X X
Driver registers: X = 0xC0:11:00:00
Y = 0xC0:11:00:00
E0 = 0xC0:11:00:00
and marlin config files are attached. its still a work in progress. so any input would be much appreciated. i really want to get it printing soon and with a motor swap i don't see why i couldn't but id like to use the .9 degrees.
open | download - Configuration_adv.h (67.4 KB)
open | download - Configuration.h (70.4 KB)
Re: tmc2208 and .9 e3d compact but powerful problem
January 06, 2019 10:27AM
i believe i figured it out. for some reason the connectors that came with the motor for e3d was wired incorrectly from the manufacturer. i swapped around the 1A,1B, 2A, 2B wires in the dupont connector to correspond with ramps. it solved the issue. sorry about that but its only the e3d's motor that have this issue. all the other nema 17's that i have are all the same and work fine. its just the e3d compact but powerful and i have 3 of the compact but powerful and the problem is the same across all 3. i would love some feedback tho. anything helps. im kinda blindly going at this and to be honest im very pleased with how everything has come out so far.
Re: tmc2208 and .9 e3d compact but powerful problem
January 07, 2019 11:19AM

the .9 degree stepper also works just fine if i throw an a4988 or drv in provided i change firmware,

They were working with a4988 with the wrong wiring?
Re: tmc2208 and .9 e3d compact but powerful problem
January 08, 2019 05:10PM
no. i had like a wiring harness pre configured and i was running a separate cable to motor just to see if that was the problem and it may just have been i didn't used the harness for the a4988 and didn't realize it until i narrowed down the problem to connectors or wiring.. so ill try to explain. i swapped the ramps connector because it was a dupont and easier to move the wires. if we labele the connectors motor wires 1(black), 2(green), 3(red) ,4 (blue) and then the ramps connector should be the same corresponding wires. 1(black), 2,(green), 3(red), 4(blue). E3D's motor wires come with the blue and red swapped but only on the motor connector. the ramps dupont connector was right before i had to change it. it was causing the phases to be miswired. and basically fighting each other. i cant be the only person to have noticed this problem or maybe its just a bad batch and since i purchased them all close together. that's a very real possibility. i will upload pictures when i get off work. the colors i referred to may not be correct but the principle is. i literally thought i was going crazy, and that i had 3 bad .9 degree steppers. just unlucky i guess.
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