Slowing down feedrate to the end of layer
February 15, 2019 05:03AM
I have been using Kisslicer lately and have notice that reduces the feedrate at the end of the external perimeter. A great thing I think, there is a way to do in Slic3r, Cura or Simplify3D?
Re: Slowing down feedrate to the end of layer
February 15, 2019 05:34AM
Look at coasting In cura,does very similar.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/15/2019 05:35AM by obewan.
Re: Slowing down feedrate to the end of layer
February 15, 2019 07:32AM
Coast is also a great thing, but not the same. I use it with simplify3D, works well but some materials print better with the slowing trick.
Re: Slowing down feedrate to the end of layer
February 15, 2019 08:30AM
Both coast-to-end and slowing down at the end of a line are poor substitutes for properly-implemented pressure advance.

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