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"Kiosk", by Bruce Sterling

Posted by SebastienBailard 
"Kiosk", by Bruce Sterling
January 16, 2008 06:42AM
THE FABRIKATOR WAS UGLY, noisy, a fire hazard, and it smelled. Borislav got it for the kids in the neighborhood.
One snowy morning, in his work gloves, long coat, and fur hat, he loudly power-sawed through the wall of his kiosk. He duct-taped and stapled the fabrikator into place.

via boingboing.net, I think.
Re: "Kiosk", by Bruce Sterling
January 16, 2008 07:31AM
Hi Sebastien,

... ist's special in several ways - but i found some interesting hints for the possible near-future-evolution of the reprap-concept too winking smiley

Re: "Kiosk", by Bruce Sterling
January 16, 2008 09:23AM
I was just about to post the same link. I've only read a couple paragraphs. The rest'll have to wait until after work.
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