Mosquito hot end...yes or no? July 07, 2020 04:09AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 168 |
Re: Mosquito hot end...yes or no? July 08, 2020 01:48PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 23 |
Re: Mosquito hot end...yes or no? July 09, 2020 06:06AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 168 |
Hands down, The Mosquito / Bondtech BMG combo is superior. I use this exclusively for printing PETG. This combo has solved all my stringing problems with PETG.
I print tooling and parts with PETG and now really enjoy the quality that I get. The precision of the Bondtech BMG is just what was needed for accurate extrusion and the Mosquito hot end has simple one handed nozzle swap out's using their special torque wrench.
Worked for me!
Re: Mosquito hot end...yes or no? July 10, 2020 06:59AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 363 |
Re: Mosquito hot end...yes or no? July 10, 2020 07:08PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 168 |
In my opinion? The mosquito is nice, but it's also marketed hype and grossly priced. An E3D with a titanium heatbreak performs. I don't get stringing with PETG and my volcano and I'm using a Bowden setup. Tuning retracts was a pain but makes all the difference.
That said, if you've got the money, and are willing to spend it you do you. I'm not a fan of groove mounting either but I hate slick marketing with colossal price mark-ups.
Re: Mosquito hot end...yes or no? July 10, 2020 10:19PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 363 |
Re: Mosquito hot end...yes or no? July 11, 2020 01:51AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 168 |
Just go with Hermera, get quality, and save cash? Unless you've already ordered the bmg...