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Thingiverse taking it's last breath?

Posted by Ohmarinus 
Re: Thingiverse taking it's last breath?
September 09, 2020 09:45PM
IIAC, Makerbot is now a subsidiary of Stratasys, and has been for some time.
Re: Thingiverse taking it's last breath?
October 14, 2020 04:41PM
Has anyone else started to get dodgy notifications from Thingiverse in the past week or so? I have seen comments on my designs along the lines of "I am very lonely and want to meet you..." or similar (many worse). They now seem to be wide open to rogue, malicious postings. I have had to turn off all email notifications from this site.

I have gone from "It's an OK site", to "It's not working very well" and now I'm at "What the hell's going on there?".

In the very near future I'll be closing my account and deleting all of my designs - all can be found on Cults!
Re: Thingiverse taking it's last breath?
October 14, 2020 06:04PM
David J
Has anyone else started to get dodgy notifications from Thingiverse in the past week or so? I have seen comments on my designs along the lines of "I am very lonely and want to meet you..." or similar (many worse). They now seem to be wide open to rogue, malicious postings. I have had to turn off all email notifications from this site.

I have gone from "It's an OK site", to "It's not working very well" and now I'm at "What the hell's going on there?".

In the very near future I'll be closing my account and deleting all of my designs - all can be found on Cults!

Yeah got like 6 or 7 emails yesterday with the exact same replies. But it's been happening before as well. I notified them through twitter and reported the spam through their site but no action has been taken so far. Some spam being around for at least three months.

Also my 'collections' are still completely broken/unusable. And they won't fix itm

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/14/2020 06:04PM by Ohmarinus.

Re: Thingiverse taking it's last breath?
October 15, 2020 07:01AM
Was being discussed on Marlin discord today, many are getting these spam e-mails through thingiverse.
Re: Thingiverse taking it's last breath?
October 15, 2020 09:13AM
I have received about 12 "comments" in the last few days all of which are essentially:-

I want chat with a guy because I'm very lonely. Write me here please and I`ll give you my phone number..............................................

All of them are from the same poster, Sosatel3D. Although they are taken down as soon as I flag them, what I want to know is why they didn't remove the poster after the first post?

As I said earlier in this thread, I think Makerbot is trying to get rid of Thingiverse by allowing it to die of neglect and vandalism.

Re: Thingiverse taking it's last breath?
March 05, 2021 04:29AM
I use MyMiniFactory, which has been in existence since 2013. That is a sustainably developed site, starting with carefully selecting and testing the 3D layout choice before opening up to cooperation with even more 3D developers, enabling them to show their ideas openly.

The availability of prints is varied and reasonably priced (approximately 60,000). Except for Thingiverse, MyMiniFactory asserts that each file must transfer a software inspection and be displayed by society before it has published, reducing printing mistakes.
Re: Thingiverse taking it's last breath?
March 12, 2021 02:47AM
I uploaded a design and never had it show up in "my designs". It never did show up in the search function either but I did save the page and it still shows up but only if you view the link directly. [www.thingiverse.com]
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