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New printer design refinement: 45CoreXY

Posted by NovaHuta 
New printer design refinement: 45CoreXY
April 11, 2021 09:59AM
Ok so, Thomas S. is messing with belt printer, it is very cool but has challenges of it's own.

He makes a point, it is a COREXY at an angle and I'm thinking hmm .... put an angle on the print head so it is vertical. Problems solved?

Then I'm thinking, get rid of that silly belt.

Put the angle back at 45 then put angle in print head so it is vertical .... then have a simple build plate - no belt - and have your standard Y mechanism on build plate. Only, now this Y axis on the plate is really the Z axis.

Through firmware, the plate Z axis is coupled to the Y axis to separate out the true Z movement.

Are you seeing it? here is vid link may help envision : YoutubeVid

Quick! Come up with a name for this style of printer before it gets claimed by Voron! smiling smiley

My suggestion : 45CoreXY

I like the COREXY but I've been having issues resolving how to make a simple Z-Axis. I think this may be it.
Re: New printer design refinement: 45CoreXY
April 11, 2021 11:26AM
What problem are you trying to solve?

Ultra MegaMax Dominator 3D printer: [drmrehorst.blogspot.com]
Re: New printer design refinement: 45CoreXY
April 11, 2021 11:53AM
Yeah, it is just the whole Z-axis on the core XY. Best solution in my opinion is some sort of combination of 3 lead-screws but this is complex. Often you see one with rails and one screw but then you get tilting beds etc.

With your standard RepRap style printer, you have two Z lead-screws, they have issues of being un-coupled and adding complexity. Hence you get cantilever designs but they only scale so large.

With this design change, you're giving up some speed in the Y axis for a simple triangular frame and one stepper per axis.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/11/2021 02:24PM by NovaHuta.
Re: New printer design refinement: 45CoreXY
April 11, 2021 05:25PM
I think the idea is to have many problems to solve, to make printing more fun.
I thought the only reason for thee belt printer was either auto remove part or something longer than normal, but I think this ender copes with longer stuff ok [www.youtube.com]
Re: New printer design refinement: 45CoreXY
April 11, 2021 10:23PM
hahaha ... that is so funny! Looks like the Mrs. is going to be wondering where her door mirror went.
Re: New printer design refinement: 45CoreXY
April 12, 2021 12:23AM
or the ironing board...those small slim ones for sleeves, my mate has one of those hatches between the kitchen & living room, every time I see that hole I think, that would make a good printer.
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