New year's resolutions
January 02, 2022 06:06AM
What are people hoping to make in the coming year? Be warned though, any good ideas I see may be copied, modified, and shown off to friends and relatives as if my own.

For myself, 2021 has been marked not only by the ongoing encroachment of Covid-19 into our lives but a full year of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. This has left me with a huge backlog of projects to catch up with and the need to build some home automation to pander to my innate idleness.

I hereby resolve to do at least some of the stuff that I promised to do last year.

Re: New year's resolutions
January 02, 2022 09:37AM
Honestly! Politicians Promises last longer than New Years Resolutions.

Anyway .
Here goes !!!

I have became a lounge lizard during the Covid and have slowed down considerable doing most of my hobbies.
This is for sure what we did yesterday will cost of more in the future. Hope everyone can still afford this Hobby.

I Plan to upgrade one of my single color printer to a Tri-Color 3D Printer.
Would like it to be able to have 3 nozzles but will most likely end up with a mixing extruder.
Simply because I have never seen a true Tri-Color with three extruders so with no image in my mind am locked, with a mixing extruder for now.
I would like to Upgrade my MPCNC to 3D Print, so will be attempting this project.

Or maybe upgrade my MPCNC to Tri-Color with three extruders well still in the works.
P.S. See did not even last a whole post.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2022 09:42AM by Roberts_Clif.

Computer Programmer / Electronics Technician
Re: New year's resolutions
January 02, 2022 10:09AM
... "FDM-style"-3D-printing by melting/fusing metal wires with two 200W-IR-laserdiodes or one or two 270W-IR-laserdiodes smoking smiley

Aufruf zum Projekt "Müll-freie Meere" - [] -- Deutsche Facebook-Gruppe - []

Call for the project "garbage-free seas" - []
Re: New year's resolutions
January 09, 2022 07:40AM
Installing Klipper was a goal. Completed yesterday, got a calibration model off it already. Delta goodness. smiling smiley
Re: New year's resolutions
January 31, 2022 10:33AM
I'm hoping to perfect my 6 input multi-material hot end which coming along nicely so far. I just need to think of something useful which needs to be made using multiple materials - I'm getting close to a solution - now all I need is to find the problem that it will solve smiling smiley Maybe I need another hobby which requires parts that need to be printed using multi-materials.

But No1 for me is visit my only daughter and grand daughter who live in Australia and whom I haven't seen for over 2 years. Finger crossed that might happen very soon (unless some politician or other does something crazy again).

Re: New year's resolutions
February 15, 2022 02:58PM
I'm planning on building a new printer for myself. The one I'm currently using is a MendelMax I built almost 10 years ago. It still works, but it's slow and finicky compared to what I could build now. I've built several printers since then, but they've all been for other people.

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