Hi guys
I'm planning to build Texh2C Hyper Cube CoreXY printer and use ReArm board with good old RAMPS 1.6 and run them with 24v so I have some concerns.
First is with my heat bed I found few on aliexpress dimesion 210x210 mm rated at 12/24v but they do not have resistors and LED's soldered on them
so I need to buy those separately, but I don't know which SMD type and how big resistor do I need ? Is
this 0805 LED right choice and
this 180R (I guess that's 180 ohm resistance) correct choice ?
My second concern is related to the TMC2208 stepper drivers, I'm planing to run them via UART in order that I can set they amps in software so is 1K resistor enough
from _SERIAL_TX_PIN from RAPMS to PDN_UART pin on stepper when Im using 24v ?
Do you think this is bad choice, should I use just TMC2100 instead, let me know Im open for suggestions
So I found
here that RE_ARM with RAMPS support TMC2208 and
here are defined pins but I cant find where are
P2_13 and
P2_08 pins ?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/24/2022 04:34PM by Vido.