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My 3D printer made an unexpected movesad smiley

Posted by Kanikama 
My 3D printer made an unexpected movesad smiley
June 28, 2023 09:53PM
Repetier-Host V2.3.1
Marlin-1.1.0-RC5 (as firmware)

Hi. After connecting Repetier-Host with the printer, I set a printer head to home position(X0, Y0, Z740). And then, even though I didn't make any commands, the printer head moved down and crashed into a depositon area(moved down to Z0 maybe). However, the printer's log showed that [G90 G1 Z0;] command were recorded. I attached the printer's log of that time.
I hadn't had such a situation, so I am really upset.
Has anyone experienced such a case? And what do you think are the possible causes?
Could a firmware bug be the cause?
I'd like to ask some of you for your help.
open | download - 230626_プリンタログ.PNG (143.9 KB)
open | download - 230626_プリンタログ2.PNG (121.9 KB)
open | download - 230626_プリンタログ3.PNG (124.1 KB)
open | download - 230626_プリンタログ4.PNG (135.5 KB)
Re: My 3D printer made an unexpected movesad smiley
July 01, 2023 04:42PM
CNC machines (including FDM 3D printers) always have to be homed before they can work out where they are. Because, they don't know where the machine tool (print head on that sort of printer) starts off being when the machine is turned on.

So, they always have to home. When doing an initial home, it's quite normal for an endstop not to trigger (make sure the switch is working) and also isn't set so low that it never gets triggered by a mechanism. (HARDWARE PROBLEM with endstop not triggering at home position).

Your home positions, and direction the tool head (print head on 3D printer) homes to, minimum or maximum, are set in Firmware. Probably the directions and position are OK - usually direction is minimum, and the position is zero for each of X, Y and Z. That's if you are homing to minimum positions on each axis. (SOFTWARE problem). Not all printers home to minimum, a delta homes to maximum z at the top. Most other printers home to Z = 0, but the choice is up to you where you want the home position to be on each axis.

Finally, always have one hand next to the power switch when testing out initial moves. That saves some grinding. A layer of cardboard over the print head can reduce the amount of damage.

It goes with the territory, compadre. The NICE thing is, it's all replaceable anyway. Nozzles get a lot of bashing, brass nozzles tend to be worn down a lot when you first get into this stuff.

No big deal, I promise you. I haven't looked at the firmware because I've never used Repetier and I gave up on Marlin over 18 months ago (Marlin is not good on a delta style printer such as mine).

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/01/2023 04:57PM by DragonFire.
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