Hi Dust, thanks for your fast answer.
I have new information for you before I reply you about your question.
if I active define ULTIPANEL and desabledefine ULTRA_LCD, the display works
In the old Marlin there was code to active ULTIPANEL when it was define ULTRA_LCD
and inn't necessary to set manually the WIDTH and HEIGHT
1th pont for me is OK
The KEYPAD have the wong PIN definition.
I change the code in the buttons.h and now the KEYPAD has the correct botton position, when click the MIDDLE go in Home position, when click the UP move asses Y in poistive, ect.
2th point is OK
Now I have the problem of Encoder positioned in the original KEYPAD RepRap. It doesn't work, nothing.
You wrote "enable keys an encoder". This operation is different of the Marlin 1 version? because I never modify lines of code about encoder first, and if Yes, where are the line to actives?
Thanks again
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2024 11:31AM by Dario.