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Replicateur-Lente or "RepSlo"

Posted by D.Goncz 
Replicateur-Lente or "RepSlo"
October 13, 2024 12:39AM
Since 1979 I've been enthusiastic about the possibility of a self-reproducing machine tool and actually fabricated one of cast iron and steel in 1997. That work is cited in the monograph 2004, ksrm, or kinetic self-replicating machines, p. 40. There is some interest and I should mention that here up front, over at the planetary defense group downtown in Washington DC, about distributed manufacturing, which, if I remember correctly has always been a goal of reprap technology, and it's use that is the use of distributing manufacturing in recovering from a major asteroid strike here on Earth. Foundry processes included with conventional machine tools archived in above ground workshops because of our current concerns over weather and flooding, rather than in basements, would be important for this effort, and our concern that I specialize in.

What I'm working towards mapping out is the way in which groups of machine tools each make some of the features of some of the parts of each of the other tool leading to completion at some number of properly selected machine tools roughly around seven of them if you select them right I think.

So let's say you have a lathe, a milling machine, the separate horizontal milling machine, a table saw, a drill press, a cut-off saw.... Let's say you stop there.

The basic rule is that if n machine tools exist in a cooperating suite such that each tool can make one over n that is rough and finish all the features on one over n of the parts in the total inventory of all parts of All machine tools in the suite then it's a go.

I should also note that the integration of additive subtractive and matter preserving materials processing or manufacturing is well established now and is called hybrid manufacturing with the notable example in my memory at least of a laser welded turbine blade repair unit which shoots high performance refractory metal dust at a laser spot on a turbine blade thereby welding a clean puddle of metal wherever needed on the blade on the damage blade that is, and then grinds the blade to finish form establishing a new fully repair blade ready for service. I perhaps you didn't know but there is a very slim inventory of repair blades and once a machine of the complexity of a turbo jet is crafted, having a chicken fly into it is a real serious event so they don't inventory the blades as far as I know.

Anyhow I'm asking for any comments as I work on this.

And if this wants to be the sticky thread for that work great if not maybe we can agree on a category for it.

The distinction is that with The foundry involved and with a massive amount of non parallel processing of various work pieces replication of an entire workshop by the subtractive method would be very slow and the replication would be very slow with us the name.
Re: Replicateur-Lente or "RepSlo"
January 03, 2025 09:41AM
My comment is that I don't know what you want. Advice on asteroid impact protection? How to make an additive manufacturing machine out of a subractive manufacturing machine?

It's clear as mud, not clear as mud what exactly do you want here?
Re: Replicateur-Lente or "RepSlo"
January 03, 2025 12:58PM
How to make an additive manufacturing machine out of a subractive manufacturing machine?

... this is as easy, as replacing the "subtractive" tool by an "additive" (e.g. milling spindle by an extruder or dispenser) ... the usability or time-comparisons of the different methodes is another issue ...

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Re: Replicateur-Lente or "RepSlo"
January 05, 2025 02:57AM
Hello video pardon me microphone vdx

Clear as mud is not what I want

Mud is what I usually get

I have some brain damage leading the impulsivity

So if I take a moment I like this one

Bluff ever heard of that?

B l u f bottom line up front

It's a military thing

Point being
We have been able to replicate and in fact do replicate machine tools and have since they were created.

Just that the infrastructure and relationships supporting the self-replication of machine tools that is assisted self replication let me know not autonomous self-replication

Comprise a global manufacturing infrastructure

Odd that

My work is to reduce the size of the infrastructure supporting assistive self replication of machine tools to a kernel size capable of a single rocket lift into low earth orbit, a higher orbit, moon or Mars

Sexual indirectly excuse me microphone

Such will indirectly benefit Earth

However with gravity I'm the present on Earth darn it microphone omnipresent on Earth the cost of deploying a replicable factory is high

However once the colonel interesting spelling there Colonel k e r n e l

Is lifted into low earth orbit
Supported by some sort of mass processing arrangement
Melting asteroids and refining the metals that sort of thing

Deployment would probably result in a Dyson belt

You've heard of a Dyson sphere?

Hey Dyson belt whoops microphone
A Dyson belt is a band of processing in orbit excuse me processing technology in orbit around a planet or even a sun but not a sphere encompassing it completely

So I should break there I think that was my main point at the bottom line up front

Does this make what I'm talking about clear?

Clear world darn it microphone clearer?

If not I'll try again
Re: Replicateur-Lente or "RepSlo"
January 05, 2025 03:55AM
confused smiley

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